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New digital camera question

I have been to Europe multiple times before but on my next trip (to Germany, Luxembourg, and Amsterdam in about a month) I'm bringing my new digital camera, a Nikon Coolpix S8000 (about the size of a 3/4" stack of index cards). On all my other trips I traveled with a film point-and-shoot camera so I never worried about it getting stolen. But I am worried about this camera because it's new. Is it okay to keep the camera in my daybag? (It has zipped pockets, including a pocket on the back of the bag next to my body.)

Posted by
1893 posts

I've traveled with a compact digital camera for the last 5 years, and never had an issue. I don't really think cameras are a target for thieves any longer. They really aren't worth much, there are so many! I'd worry more about forgetting the camera at the table when you eat, etc. I keep mine on a long leash that I wear over my shoulder or wrapped around my wrist, handy for photos and pretty secure...or it goes into my shoulder bag (Pacsafe) when I'm not using it.

If some thief is getting into your bag, they are more likely looking for your wallet than your camera.

Just be aware in crowds around monuments, in the subway and on will be fine!

Posted by
10344 posts

Most travelers have their camera in a bag at least part of the time during the day, just as you're planning to do.

Over the years, on this site, we've noticed that things are more often taken from bags or packs worn behind, where the traveler can't see the bag openings.

Bags worn in front, or to the side but where you can see the bag at all times, are less likely to have things removed by pick-pockets. No guarantees given, of course. Pick-pockets usually take things that are less bulky than a camera. If you can avoid putting it in a bag worn behind you, that will reduce the risk.

Most people on this site seem to lose cameras by putting them down someplace and then walking off. Keeping it around your neck avoids that, but I guess will make you look like a tourist, but we're all tourists over there.

Posted by
356 posts

I keep my camera in an old quilted make-up bag in my bag. I only got it in the first place because it was cheaper than a camera case and was a better size and had more padding. Once I started using I realised that it had another benefit in that no one looking through my bag would guess there was a camera in it.

Posted by
32324 posts


My situation is a bit different, as I travel with a large dSLR as well as a small P&S Camera. I usually carry the larger Camera "in the open" and the P&S is usually readily available in one of my front pockets (that way, it's out-of-sight but still close at hand).

I suppose it depends on how often you'll want to take pictures while you're touring, but I'd find it a real nuisance to have to retrieve the Camera from a Backpack each time I wanted to use it.

Once you start travelling, you'll probably try a few different methods until you find something that works for you.

Happy travels!

Posted by
276 posts

The only problem with digital cameras is that they can be more absorbing; you can easily get distracted and forget travel rule number one: be aware of your surroundings.

The ONLY brush with crime I ever experienced in Europe was when I got distracted looking through the images I had just taken on my new Nikon Coolpix. (For once I had left my beloved antique of a Nikon SLR behind in favor of my new toy) I was completely oblivious to my surroundings when I heard running feet, then felt a tug and looked up just in time to see two kids running away. I was too shocked to do anything but look in dismay at the wrist strap still dangling uselessly from my arm.

So actually there is another problem, at least with most P&S cameras- the wrist strap is just about worthless if someone grabs your camera and runs.

The other posters are probably right about cameras not being targeted so much anymore, but if someone is really distracted and an easy target, a thief may not be able to resist a crime of opportunity.

Posted by
12313 posts

I replace the wrist strap (included with the camera) with a neck strap from a thumb drive. The attachment is the same as the wrist strap but you can keep the camera around your neck. I like to tuck it into my jacket or shirt/shirt pocket. Then you don't tie up one hand and don't have to keep getting it out and putting it away, which is when it's most likely to be targeted by a thief (just like putting Christmas gifts in your parked car at the mall when a thief may be watching).

Posted by
629 posts

I agree with Brad and use a neck lanyard - just a thin cord not a big heavy strap. It is much stronger than a wrist strap and allows me to pop the camera in and out of a pocket or just let the camera hang. It also makes a good safety line in case of accidentally dropping the camera. I don't like wrist straps - you have to keep taking the camera on and off as you stow it.

Posted by
712 posts

Brad and Bob, I love the neck strap idea. WIll try it on our trip this summer.

Posted by
989 posts

I'd also advise on using a neck strap. I wanted to keep mine handy so I kept it in the front pocket of my jacket. It fell out, damaged the lens, I had a huge meltdown and then spent $200 I wasn't planning on to replace the camera.
The back pack is problematic if you like to take a lot of pictures.

Posted by
1976 posts

Thanks so much for all the tips! I know that thieves really want passports and cash and/or credit cards, but if they get into your bag they might just take whatever they get their hands on in case it's valuable. The neck strap is a really good idea.

Posted by
993 posts

Sarah, Just in case, my first photo is of a placard on which is written a safe address where a thief might possibly mail my chip bck. It can't hurt.

Posted by
1158 posts

If I carry my daybag on my back I always lock it with a small lock.
I personally don't like to have anything heavy around my neck, but a strong strap is a good idea.
Last time when I was in Europe I carried my camera in a small camera bag with two straps: one across body and the second one was around the pant belt.
Or in my travel jean jacket that has 2 large inside pockets.
I just "drop" in the pocket when I don't take pictures.
It felt very secure and easy to access.

Posted by
12313 posts

I just bought a Coolpix S8000 yesterday. I had purchased a smaller Nikon previously at Costco but the flash stopped working (right at the 90 day window for returning) so went yesterday and liked the features of the 8000. Still plenty small to keep around my neck and tucked in my shirt. The 10X optical zoom beat the 7X on my previous model and the HD quality movies might come in handy.

Posted by
1976 posts

Laurel - thanks for the good idea of the address photo on the card! And Brad - I had considered the S6000 but I wanted black, which had been backordered everywhere that I looked. I went to a local camera store to see the S6000 in person and the salesman showed me the S8000, which has a better zoom like you said. And they had it in black and it was on sale.