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New Bank of America Travel VISA

I just received this special card with no foreign transaction fees and it has a chip. Has anyone tried to use it in self-service gas stations in Europe? Or any other experiences?

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4160 posts

Sorry to bear bad tidings on Christmas , but this is a chip and signature card , not a chip and pin card . Very few North American institutions offer a true chip and pin ( Andrews Federal Credit Union ,USAA ,are two that come to mind ) . Bank of America clearly states in its explanation of use for this card , that the obtainable pin used in conjunction with this card will be considered a cash advance subject to the (onerous ) interest rates that they charge . While the chip will provide some additional flexibility over the magnetic stripe , it will not function in what are termed off-line transactions ( i.e. ticket kiosks , self service gas stations , and the like ) I have two Andrews cards which do function as true chip and pin , and have been quite useful overseas . On the other hand ,standard US cards and cash will also do the trick !

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9369 posts

Some people have reported here that, very occasionally, chip and signature cards do work in automated applications, but I would never count on it.

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2788 posts

I assume that the card you received is a credit card. Be sure to see how much they will be charging you if you ever get money out of an ATM with it which should be considered a "cash advance" along with its notorious huge fees.

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2775 posts

This assumes that BofA won't 'protect" you by allowing you to use the card. They "protected" me one to many times so now I "protect" my money from them :)

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1005 posts

I used my Bank of America corporate card with a chip in France in the spring of 2013. It was chip-and-signature, but it worked with its PIN at a restaurant, at a gas station with an attendant, and at a self-service gas pump. However, automated gas pumps may have different security settings, so don't assume that the card will work at every gas station you encounter.