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Netflix and Pandora in Europe

I know Netflix cannot be accessed in Europe unless you have something that blocks the IP address.
How do you do that and is it legal? If it isn't legal, never mind.

Can I access Pandora in Europe?

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16 posts

Hi- I'm not sure about Netflix, but I know Pandora did not work for me with I was in Ireland, Scotland, England, and Germany. My friends in England said they use Spotify.

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8353 posts

Yes, all those copyright things to keep straight, we have even had "cloud" type services, where we have purchased a DVD in the US not work outside the borders.

Not sure though if for a free service, like Pandora, if you were to register an account in the UK or another European country while you were there, that you would have access, though I suppose you would. (Dont't think I would go to the trouble of a pay service)

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2829 posts

You can easily access Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Videos or any other location-based service with an easy-to-use VPN. It is a software you install on your computer and upon activation masks your IP to whatever server you choose.

I use Overplay ( in my travels. Costs $ 9/month with 3-month minimum contract. I have nothing but extremely positive reviews over 4 years of use. There are obviously other competitors. Free ones are usually bad and very slow.

This is also helpful to bypass censorship in backward areas of the World like Gulf countries that ban Youtube or countries that ban Facebook like China.

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9110 posts

Even if it were possible to use Netflix overseas, and even if one did use a VPN service, it still wouldn't help much. The free wifi most hotels provide doesn't have enough bandwidth to support reliable video streaming. Sadly even audio streaming is becoming hard to do these days as more people travel with smartphones/tablets. The best solution is to either download movies/tv from a site like Amzaon or Itunes, or rip DVDs to the memory of your device at home before you start your travels.

Posted by
84 posts

Can I access Facebook in Germany? I am thinking yes, but want to absolutely sure. Thank you.