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Need to carry passport ?

We are staying with family in England - should we leave our passport with them or do we need it for ID to travel by train through Cornwall & Wales?


Posted by
1158 posts

Some countries like Italy require you to carry a passport at all times, but I am not sure about UK.
I always carry a copy with me usually in an accessible pockets of my backpack, and hide the real passport inside my clothes.

Posted by
23547 posts

This is a frequently beat to death question. Some say yes and some say no. I always carry it. In 300 + days of travel in Europe I have only needed it once. You are technically required to carry ID, I know that a passport will always fulfill that requirements -- a copy might do just as well or a driver license but I know the passport always works.

Posted by
10344 posts

Frank is right. Those driving a rental car probably want to have their passport with them because of the greater likelihood of being stopped by police when driving, which is almost nil if you're not driving.

Posted by
2207 posts


Living here in Italy, we do not carry our passports. They are kept locked in a safe in our residence. I drive, so I have my IDP and US, State of GA, driver's license. You are required to have ID on your person at ALL TIMES, but according to my embassy buddies you DO NOT have to have carry your passport in Italy.

The only time I have needed ID is when I made LARGE purchases (i.e. TV) at local stores and used an American bank credit card. Many of my friends carry a folded "copy" of the photo page of their passport in their wallet as their "ID." Most of the folks I know just carry their US driver's license.


Posted by
70 posts

Some countries only have a requirement for ID for foreigners. Which means residents do not need to carry ID, but tourists do. I don't know about Italy though.

Posted by
16031 posts

If you don't want to carry your passport--which shouldn't matter if you wear a moneybelt--then at least carry a photocopy. You may need it in places where a driver's license isn't enough---banks, hotels, internet cafes (in certain countries), or worse case scenario, you need the help of the Canadian Consulate.

Since I always wear a moneybelt when traveling, I feel safer knowing where my passport is at all times. With me but not accessible to "sticky fingers."

Posted by
11507 posts

For goodness sake, it doesn't matter what the rules are anywhere but in the UK as that is where poster will be. I have never heard of being required to carry passport around all the time in the UK. When we go we too stay with friends, and we leave our passports and airline tickets at their house, in the bedside table, and off we go. I always carry my DL as a form of id, but , have never been asked for it,, I suppose if one is staying at some hotels they may ask for your PP but you could likely get away with a copy.
I suggest you go on the British Embassy website and find out properly what the laws actually are, that ends the debate right?
I also have relatives in France, and I always leave my PP with them when out and about for the day, if I leave the city( for overnights) I take it as hotels ask for it .

Posted by
445 posts

The only time I have needed my passport in the UK is when I was completing a VAT refund form. They need it to verify that you are a non-EU citizen.

However, since you are traveling around..presumably overnight, I would take it with me. If you are only doing day trips then I would leave it with your family. That's what I do when staying with friends in the UK. Have a lovely trip.

Posted by
808 posts

I carry my passport with me at all times whether travelling for Business or Leisure. Even a day trip can turn into the unexpected need for a car or hotel rental.

My Passport is the most valuable thing that I travel with. It's always safely tucked inside my moneybelt. I don't like to store it in a hotel safe b/c on one occaision, I forgot it.

I seldom stop by the Desk at check-out so I didn't think to collect it. The high speed cab ride back to collect it changed my mind forever. I'll let the Reception photocopy my Passport if required, but I will never let it out of my sight.

Posted by
11507 posts

Flight attendent Sarah is NOT staying at a hotel. She is staying relatives.
Point of her question is will she NEED it for travel within UK, which truthfully , no one( myself included) has yet answered authoritively.
Check embassy website.
If it helps Sarah, there is no " border crossing" to get into Wales , so its not like you would need it for that anyways.

I do not understand it when people say they are afraid to use the hotel safe as they may " forget" their passport. Do you forget to put your moneybelt on in the morning, or do you wear it to bed? Of course not! LOL

Posted by
12313 posts

It is the only valid ID you will have when you are traveling.

You probably rarely get asked for your ID at home, but you still keep it with you.

It should be the same when you are traveling. Keep it handy even though you may only be asked for it when entering the country and returning home.

Posted by
808 posts

I understand that Sarah is staying with relatives. I chose to expand on the topic with a relevant example.

It is possible to forget your Passport at the Front Desk. Often when Guests pay with Credit Card there is little need to actually stop by the Front Desk at Check-out.

When I was a FOM Front Office Manager earlier on in my Career, it was estimated that less than 20% of Guests actually pass by the Front Desk at Check-out. And of those Guests who do, it was usually only when they had an issue to be resolved. Therefore, it is easy to forget to stop by to pick-up your Passport. Especially with services like "Express Check-out" your bill is slid under the door at about 03:00h.

It is different than remembering your money belt. It's not difficult to forget your Passport at the Desk, or anything in a safety deposit box for that matter. I've done it and recall more than a few Guests doing just that.

Posted by
11507 posts

FA,, most hotels have safes in room now. I have only used the one behind front desk once in last 10 years.
You certainly have worn alot of hats.

Posted by
63 posts

Hi Sarah,

as a Brit I can say that I never carry any ID with me as you don't need it in the UK. Hence all the fuss with the government trying to get people to have compulsory ID cards...

Having said that, if you are going to be away from the location where your passport is overnight then maybe you will want to take it with you in case you do want to rent a car etc.

By the way I never carry my passport around with me when in the US, although perhaps I should?
