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Need Ideas for Post-Christmas Travel

Hello! Years and years ago (so long ago I forgot my log in) I received so much support planning one of my first solo trips and now that I am stumped on planning an upcoming trip, I thought I'd come back here for some advice.

I'm a teacher and with the way the winter break falls, I have over two weeks off - now, some of that will be visiting the in-laws in the UK, but then have a full nine days afterwards (including the travel day home) to go somewhere. Two years ago, with a much shorter break, we just spent four days London which was fabulous. So when I initially started planning this trip, I thought we could head to Paris...but now that I realized I have so much time, if we do Paris, it will have to be combined with at least one other place. And then my mind started jumping all over the place (this long of a break is really unprecedented in a public school! I feel spoiled for the length!)

Current thoughts:
Portugal for the entire time - the average daily temp sounds very nice coming from cold Boston
Paris and then Belgium - perhaps not the best time to see Belgium for the first time? We have been to Paris together and also separately so don't need a long visit here, I was thinking 3-4 days.
Denmark - we had been talking about doing a trip to Denmark but were thinking summer - is winter a terrible time to visit?

We don't have our heart set on any specific place so I'm open to other ideas! We've already done Iceland post-Christmas six years ago, and unless convinced we'd save other places in the UK for summer visits (I know Edinburgh is supposed to fun at New Years).

Thank you for any guidance and help you can give in helping us make a decision!

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1153 posts

How about Spain? I have a love affair with France but cheat on that love with Spain. We spent two weeks in France the last two weeks of December 2022 and then went to Spain for two weeks in January 2023. In Barcelona we ate outside and walked to many Gaudi sights with just a light sweater. The same was true of Granada and Seville. Madrid was a bit more chilly, but still a delight. Glad this holiday cycle worked in your favor.

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1699 posts

Bonnie M,
I vote for Portugal. Of course, Paris is ALWAYS wonderful, but since you have been there more than once, I would spend all my time in Portugal. The prices are good, the people welcoming, there is much to see. I haven't been to the Algarve, but Porto, Lisbon and Evora were a treat. We didn't have time for Coimbra , the Duoro river valley, Sintra or Fatima. We moved around by bus and train and they were efficient, clean and low-priced. We definitely would go back and see more. Alas, we had only five full days there, much too brief! The weather will be much better there and the sunset a bit later than in Paris or London.

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6713 posts

I'd vote for Spain, specifically Andalucia if that interests you. There are nonstops between London Gatwick and Seville, or other options using Madrid, which is a short train ride from Cordoba and Seville. The weather would probably be agreeable, though spending time in Madrid would mean colder weather.

Or, if you want to include Paris, you could take a train south to Lyon or Provence or the Riviera for a few days.

Lots of options, the best ones would be to the south.

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1764 posts

OK, the issue is going to be with how the two weeks are structured. with New Years in the middle of the week, like Christmas Day, schedules are going to be "messed up". My suggestion is forget the major locations, and concentrate on the weather. If you're going to be in GB then the best place to go from there in DEC/JAN is the Canaries, Get an all inclusive, adult only, place on the beach and relax.Fuertaventura is where to go.

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8101 posts

Bonnie, here’s where I’ve been:

In December 2012, I arranged with my principle to get three weeks off - the week before Christmas break and then the two weeks off for Christmas and New Year’s. We went to Rome, then Sicily, then back to the mainland, based in Sorrento. Pompeii was supposed to be closed on January 1, but was actually open until 1PM. Sights in Sicily were open but not at all crowded. The virtually empty parking lots showed how much capacity they’re prepared for in high season, but we had some places to ourselves. Italy - even Rome - wasn’t crowded, and the temperatures weren’t scorching, unlike summer.

In 2018 (now retired), I spent December in Nice, France. Again, temperatures were pleasant (I don’t like hot). After Christmas…

My husband met me in January 2019 in Marrakech, Morocco. We stayed at Dar Kawa riad, which arranged for guided visits in the city. We then flew to Fez, and stayed three nights, then went on a desert safari with Desert Majesty.

Tromso, Norway is busier in winter than in summer, with dog sledding, skiing, etc. Maybe different from your Iceland activities?