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Need good "how to" book on long-term world travel

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good book on the how to's of long-term world travel? I have Rick's books for the European countries, but am looking for something with more info about how to plan for long-term intercontinental travel. All I seem to find are books geared toward backpacking college students...Thanks for any recommendations.

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12040 posts

What exactly are you looking for? If you are not aware of it yet, look up "Schengen Treaty" on Wikipedia. At least for most of Europe, this limits how much time you can spend on the continent without obtaining a special visa.

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23557 posts

I too am puzzled by the question. Are asking about an round the world trip? Might explain better what you really want to know.

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693 posts

I searched Amazon Books for "Around the World Travel" because I wanted to recommend to you a particular book I read a number of years ago that outlined the planning, travel and reentry. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name and did not find it. However, a long list of titles appeared and some looked pretty interesting. I do remember about the other book that the family (there were five of them, three school-age kids) used a travel agent to book all the tickets, they stayed gone a year, their favorite places were Istanbul and Florence and that it took them a long time to get re-acclimated when they returned. They spent time on several continents. There are several interesting books on bicycling around the world (at least one by a woman.

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375 posts

Anna, could the book you remember be: "One Year Off: Leaving it all behind for a round the world journey with our children" by David Cohen?

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3 posts

Thanks for your replies! Sorry, I should have been more specific. I am in the beginning stages of planning a trip for my husband and I that will take 6-8 mos and will include Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and possibly parts of Africa. I have found a few blogs but am interested in any books that address the specifics of long-term travel, ie: visa requirements, recommendations on air/rail intercontinental travel, health insurance, dealing with cell phones and internet communications, if immunizations are required, long-term accommodations, car rentals, etc. I have found several books on long-term travel with children (which seems to be more about the children than travel in general) and backpacking trips. We don't really plan to use hostels and travel on a shoestring, but don't have unlimited cash either and don't plan to do a lux tour. I find lots of site specific info, but not much on the "how to's" of planning for such a trip. If anyone has any recommendations on web sites, blogs, books, etc. I would greatly appreciate it.

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1717 posts

Hello Cindy. (Edit): Good travel guide books on Australia, New Zealand, some countries in Africa, and island groups, were made by Lonely Planet, and Rough Guides. And some of the books from Cadigans guides are excellent and superb. Questions about any part of the world that people can travel to can be asked at the internet web site At those web pages, choose a continent or geographic area, and choose a country. And, it has web pages for questions about travel, general. I guess : if you ask your question there, there will be a reply from a person recommending the kind of book that you want. Or, you might receive a reply from an experienced world traveller who is capable of writing such a book. And, if you seek specific kinds of knowledge or advice or opinions, for planning your trip (travel routes, recommended places for overnight accomodations, or how to be healthy and safe), I recommend asking specific questions about that, at the Frommer's website, and the website of Lonely Planet (Thorn Tree). At those web sites, a good reply to your question might be posted, two or three weeks after you post your question there. And you could read opinions about some places, at the trip advisor web site. I guess : the kind of info. that you want was printed in a travel magazine (such as Cond Nest, or Travel Holiday) at some time during the past ten years, but finding a specific magazine article that could be helpful for you could be difficult.

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3305 posts

You may want to check out the blog called 'From Here to Uncertainty'. They are not quite back in the States yet, but you might be able to contact them for suggestions. Basically, they are doing what the "One Year Off" did 10 years ago. I suggest you go to the travel writing section of a book store for personal experiences similar to your plan.

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441 posts

You might look at:
1. The Practical Nomad how to travel around the world
2. Traveler's Toolkit
3. The World Awaits
These should help. Good luck.

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693 posts

Cindy, it seems to me that, after outlining a tentative route around the globe, it might be a good idea to go to the websites of each and every country you plan to visit and/or the websites of their embassies or consulates in the U.S. and check on the visa requirements and other pertinent information. The CDC website will give you immunizations information. Also, since you live in a suburb of Charlotte, it couldn't hurt to seek out a travel agency familiar with booking lots of overseas travel (Charlotte being the banking capital of the SE, there should be several) and seeking information from one of the experienced agents. They may be familiar with ticketing ins and outs, at least from one country to another, that are not common knowledge. The books and blogs should be lots of fun to read and yield valuable information about in-country conditions. Keep us posted about your plans!

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3580 posts

If you have a Frequent Flyer account, you could contact their airline about your project. They may have a setup for round-the-world travel (or multiple destinations travel). If you use that one FF account and allied airlines you could use or amass FF miles.

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9110 posts

A lot of the stuff you're looking for is on the US State Depeartment website: The state department site links to the cdc, ect.

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977 posts

Cindy. I am more than happy to help where I can with various aspects of your Australian leg of your tour. Check out the following Australian Government website for important information
Have been to New Zealand, hence might be able to help you out there too.

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120 posts

I don't know of any books and would be interested as well if you find any. Here are a couple websites to check out: and
There may be recommendations of books on the sites - I just haven't had time to check for myself.