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need assistance with travel to Uk

I have had an accident while on Holiday and am now have the aid of crutches. I also have my 7 year old son traveling with me. How can i ask for assistance? before my due flight. will I need to book? or just ask at the desk?. Thanks

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964 posts

I would hope that when they see you on crutches, assistance will be forthcoming. But maybe you can get in touch with the airline before you travel and ask them?

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16053 posts

I had this happen to me the night before a flight. I fell, wound up in the emergency room and on crutches.....Call the airline and tell them you need a wheelchair for all segments of your flight. When you get to the airport, you will have to find an airline rep, not necessarily wait in line at the desk, and tell them you called about a wheelchair. They will take care of it. When you arrive, you should be met by one. If not, tell whoever is at the gate and they will make a call. It is best to call ahead of time. Don't wait until you get to the airport. BTW, one of the nice things about being in a wheelchair is you don't have to wait in the security line. You're taken right to the front. Most of the people who do this are hired by the airport for this function. It is appropriate to give a small gratuity[INVALID]unless the person is an airline rep which happens occasionally.

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2799 posts

As Frank side, they will have wheelchairs at the airport and will help you and your son get to your gate. Most airlines will allow you and your son board the plane before the other people. I hope you are going better.

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2 posts

Thank you all, for your helpful replies, I will phone Easyjet and hopefuly will get help for me and son. Now my Journey in to Standstead Aiport won't be as bad I thought it would be... Thankyou Once again. :O)