Hoping someone could recommend a travel pillow. Those U-shaped ones are very uncomfortable. I have arthritis in my neck and am looking for something that is comfortable and will support my neck.
Camille, not sure it will be what you're looking for, but I like the Bucky inflatable pillow (google it). Much nicer cover and sturdier than the cheap blow up kind.
I use something called a "J-pillow," which comes in both inflatable and filled versions. I use the inflatable because it is only 4.4 oz. It looks strange, but is by far the best travel pillow I've used. I actually sleep for hours at a time with this thing.
I recently purchased a TRTL ("turtle") travel pillow. It's actually more of a neck support wrap than a pillow. There's an internal frame that supports the side of your neck. You can put the support on whichever side you prefer. The outer material is plush fleece and comfortable against the skin. However it might be too warm for some people. Also, if you have a long neck it might not provide as good support. I used it on a short early-morning flight and was pleased. Another thing I liked about it is that I didn't have to lean my head against the fuselage so I avoided all that vibration from the engine.
I second the recommendation for the Trtle travel pillow. I used it on my last long haul flight and loved it. It actually slept, which I never do. I have tried all types of pillows, even rolling a blanket/jacket to use as a pillow nothing else worked for me.
This is the best one for me and I've tried them all! https://www.amazon.com/Caldera-Releaf-Neck-Regular-Black/dp/B00CN97V6M/ref=pd_sim_121_5?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=80X2G6K2YEAH5VAJXYK7
It keeps my neck aligned ...
On an post somewhere, I wrote about taking a plastic blow-up beach ball for my feet. I bought it at the dollar store this summer. I looked kind of silly blowing it up to not-quite-full, then stuffing it down under my seat, but it made a difference in how my back felt because I was able to elevate my legs/feet.
I also took a U-shaped pillow, which you have to arrange around your neck; mine was OK. THose alternatives above look interesting, though.
Thank you all for your input. Knew I could count on this forum for advice.
I like the blow-up beachball best. It's cheap, lightweight, versatile, customizable, and easily deflatable. Best of luck!
I can recommend the Cabeau Memory Foam pillow; just used it for a transatlantic flight and for the first time ever I deplaned with absolutely NO neck pain. I've tried several other pillows, but this is the only one that has worked for my neck/spinal problems. The pillow appears bulky, but it is very comfortable. https://www.amazon.com/Cabeau-Evolution-Memory-Travel-Pillow/dp/B01GJCGCT0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1476098483&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=CABEAU+MEMORY+FOAM+TRAVEL+PILLOW&psc=1
I bought an inflatable neck pillow from Ikea (surprise) and it is okay; none of these gadgets is something you would use out of choice, just out of necessity. By the way, Ikea also had a sturdy shopping bag that rolls up smaller than a tennis ball and weighs almost nothing. It has proved to be convenient from time to time.
Thank you so much for all the great replies. I went with the Bucky pillow. It also had stellar reviews on Amazon. Will let you know how it works out after next month's trip.