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Neck or Waist pouch--pros and cons??

I know that it's largely a matter of personal preference whether to wear the waist money belt or the around-the-neck one, but I'd appreciate some pros and cons from those of you who really do prefer one over the other. Thanks.

Posted by
10571 posts

There have been several discussions of this in the last few weeks. You could scroll down a few pages and get a lot of opinions on this subject.

Posted by
1717 posts

Hello Margaret. I do not like the Waist pouch. Its strap goes around a person's body at the waist. Every time a person inhales, the person feels his/her body (abdomen) being squeezed. I used a neck pouch in all my trips to Europe. The contents in a waist pouch are more secure. But now, I like the Civita Hidden Pocket (available at "Travel Store" at this website). It attaches to a belt. Its contents are very secure, and wearing it is not uncomfortable to me. Wearing the Civita Hidden Pocket, the person can slide it, on a belt, to a comfortable place.

Posted by
33628 posts

Margaret, I prefer a waist strap moneybelt. Mine is soft yet waterproof, and I completely forget that I have it on when I am walking, driving, hiking, sitting, and riding on trains. I've tried the over the neck type but don't like it for three reasons- I'm larger and it sticks out over my tummy. It has sharper edges.
No matter what type of neck on my shirt the strings were visible and I don't like that. For me the waist moneybelt is a no-brainer and I wear it when traveling.

Posted by
85 posts

I prefer the waist belt, my husband the neck pouch. He likes not having to fiddle around getting the waist belt unzipped. He just unbuttons his shirt (see why this doesn't work for me!!!) and has access. I usually put a few dollars (whatever currency we are using) in a small handbag that I carry with comb, tissues, etc and everything else goes in my waist belt which I only have to access infrequently.

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4413 posts

I don't listen to Andrea...;-) Ditto Nigel. If your belt cuts into your stomach, then you need a larger belt. I wear mine just a little loose, so there's a bit of slack. Plus, the belt should be made of stretchy elastic! At times, I wear the Hidden Pocket style; I pin the loop to the inside of my pants (usually the pocket lining) because I don't wear belts. I can pin it to hang vertically or horizontally, higher or lower...

Posted by
4413 posts

I don't listen to Andrea...;-) Ditto Nigel. If your belt cuts into your stomach, then you need a larger belt. I wear mine just a little loose, so there's a bit of slack. Plus, the belt should be made of stretchy elastic! At times, I wear the Hidden Pocket style; I pin the loop to the inside of my pants (usually the pocket lining) because I don't wear belts. I can pin it to hang vertically or horizontally, higher or lower...

Posted by
82 posts

It is a matter of personal preference and you really won't know until you try them. I would suggest buying 1 of each; they aren't that expensive. Then wear one of them the next time you are shopping/running errands. Then try the other one the following time you are shopping/running errands. By wearing and using each one for a day, you will get the feel of which one you prefer. I would rather spend a little extra money and "test drive" each one rather than just picking one and finding out during your extended trip that you really don't like the one that you picked.

Posted by
1840 posts

Well, you got that message across. It must be the stretchy elastic.

Posted by
19242 posts

As for "test drive", I never tried either until 2000. I first bought a money belt, probably from ETBD. I tried it here for a few hours and decided I needed an alternative, so I bought a neck pouch, too. I started my trip wearing the money belt, with the neck pouch in my carryon. It didn't make it to Europe (well it made it - I didn't throw it out of the airplane, but by the time I got to Europe, I had replaced it with the neck pouch and I have used the pouch ever since, for 9 trips. I did tie a knot in the string to keep it higher up on my chest. I still have the money belt, but it has stayed at home ever since.

Posted by
2092 posts

Hi Margaret! I have both a neck wallet and a money belt; you're certainly welcome to come look at them and try them on. I only use the RS money belt after realizing that the neck string almost always shows. (I suppose a person could pin it in place but that's just too much trouble to me.)
Doug has discovered the joys of the hidden pocket and will never go back to a money belt. The hidden pocket would never work for me!

Posted by
33628 posts

Well I saw a funny thing on the train in England yesterday. There was a man who looked American (but no shorts), but who clearly wasn't (I spoke to him) who had his around the neck money pouch around his neck. How did I know? It was the kind with the screen pocket so you can see what's inside and he had it over his shirt. What I saw was a Passport (UK) and some folded $US and some folded £ sterling, a fairly thick wodge wrapped in a £50 note. Clear as day, proud as punch. Good thing I didn't want his goodies. Somebody else may have though. My guess is that that is not the recommended way to wear it...

Posted by
74 posts

I have tried both, and prefer the Neck pouch. (1) The string shows, so what....they will have a heck of a time getting it out from under my shirt and the string pulled up over my head! (2) comfort....they are available in lamb skin (don't jump on me PETA) and no sharp edges, no sweating, very comfortable. (3) It makes me look fat?....I am in Europe as a tourist, not to win a fassion show. It protrudes from my tummy?....just shorten the string with a knot or trim with scissors and retie and it rests on your chest above the tummy. For men, the neck pouch is much easier to access contents from, then the waist money belt....for women, that's another story. Oh, and my wife uses the neck pouch too! We both take the waist money belt along in our carry-on.....just in case.....D

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3846 posts

"I have tried both, and prefer the Neck pouch. The string shows, so what....they will have a heck of a time getting it out from under my shirt and the string pulled up over my head!" Daniel, That's not the way they do it. In a crowded area, such as on a train or underground, someone can stand behind you and clip the string with small sharp scissors. (You won't feel a thing.) If your shirt is worn not tucked in around the waist (loose) the neck pouch falls down to the floor, into the waiting hands of the pickpocketer, who whisks it away before you realize what's happened. I have witnessed this being done; the train immediately pulled into the station, doors opened, pickpocketer exited. Just tuck your shirt in so this can't happen.

Posted by
220 posts

I have one of the around-the-neck pouches, and I wear it so the the cord is over one shoulder, and the pouch hangs under my left arm. It's very comfortable that way, is easy to get to, and doesn't show at all.

Posted by
24 posts

For me, I prefer the neck pouch especially at the airport. I can easily carry my passport, flight information and boarding passes all in one handy location. Eagle Creek makes a good one. Be sure the one you by is big enough and wide enough to easily slip your documents in and out of.

Posted by
74 posts

I had thought of tucking my shirt in....I always do! Also I agree, the neck pouch is easier to deal with at the airport. If you do use the neck pouch for the departure airport, you can then transfer passport, cc, debit cards or anything you absolutely can't afford to lose, to the waist money belt once you are on the aircraft (you may need to do this in the restroom) so that it would be in place at the arrival airport in Europe...which may be the location where there is the most risk of a pickpocket....esp if you get off the plane and onto public transit like the bus or the subway at Heathrow! rvflyer

Posted by
23 posts

I brought both the waist type and the hidden pocket. I ended up using the hidden pocket exclusively. I was carrying my passport & my son's plus backup cards and cash. When I wore pants, it did show but it hung by the pants pocket so it didn't look out of place, not so visible with skirts. The waist kind was visibly lumpy no matter what even with my loose clothing. I can see the neck type being helpful at airports. I used my ScotteVest on travel days to hold passports, tickets, etc. because of its numerous pockets. Worked like a champ. Doesn't count as a carryon but I can stuff it to the max. I just slip it off and put it through the security machine. Love it.

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6713 posts

Neck pouch for me; moneybelt feels constricting; have tried both. I keep passport, debit card, driver's license, health insurance card, and most money in the neck pouch, and that day's money in my wallet in a side pants pocket (where I can reach it easily and keep my hand on it in crowded places). Credit card usually starts in the neck pouch and migrates to the side-pocket wallet during the trip if I'm using it often (admittedly this is risky). But I'll try the idea of wearing the neck pouch over the shoulder and under the arm, to minimize frontal expansion as I age!

Posted by
49 posts

Hi Margaret,
I've tried them all. Both the money belt and neck pouch get tiresome. What I don't notice at ALL, is to use a soft neck pouch, tie the cord a bit shorter and wear it under my clothes simply over my shoulder (like a purse) so it hangs just under my armpit, outside my bra. For security sake, I safety pin the cord to my bra strap so it won't slip down. I don't know if it's from years of carrying a purse on the shoulder or what, but if you find a really light weight one, you won't notice it at all after about 15 minutes. To get it off in the bathroom or other secure place, get your arm out of your shirt, unpin it from your bra strap and then just slip it off your shoulder. It's a little bit of hassle getting your arm out of your shirt, but worth it. You shouldn't be accessing it in a public area anyway. Get an inexpensive one and try it out for a few days.

Posted by
209 posts

My husband wears the kind of of pouch that loops around the belt and lives inside the pants. I find the under the pants belt most comfortable and I began our last trip with that belt. But, I find it too much trouble to access. Fortunately I had brought and neck pouch which I wore for most of the trip. On cold days when I'm wearing a jacket I just wear it cross body at my side, but under my jacket. It doesn't show and is easy to get at by unzipping my jacket. On hot days I wear it long around my neck with the string under my shirt but the pouch itself in my pants. I wear the shirt untucked with a belt at the waist. It doesn't show that way either except for the string at the neck. Pulling it out is easy. Both our daughters wore neck pouches cross body at the side like a purse but under their shirts. They didn't show much. I'd experiment. There are all sorts of fairly secure permutations the only question is what's comfortable.

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10571 posts

I do exactly what Holly does. If you are short, get a shorter neck wallet or it will hang too low. Be sure the fabric is soft and you will never feel it. It doesn't show under your clothes unless your shirts are really tight. Wearing a shirt with a pattern also helps camouflage it.