I do a lot of near term planning and a good bit of "future" planning, and I bounce around this General section, but also many of the country specific ones.
In any case, there are usually two main topics that always seem to pop up - where to stay (ie hotels) and where to eat. What I used to do (and still do) would be to right-click a recommendation and see what Google or the places website had to say. If it looked interesting, I'd bookmark it in my travel planning folders.
What I started doing, though, has been to also utilize the saved lists in Google Maps. So, for our trip last July to the Netherlands, I had lists for Amsterdam, for Leiden, for Haarlem, and for Rotterdam with mostly restaurants, but also some tourist spots and the various hotels. Since we had been to Amsterdam last year too, that list was then supplemented with new locations.
Now, when I look at a place in Google Maps, I see all those locations easily. It lets me remember the places I might like to visit, stay at, or eat at, but also lets me easily navigate to anf from them when actually in town. It also, of course, also gives me nudge/reminder when planning that next trip as I can open up the city/area, see the saved list, and build those into a trip. And, you can annotate each location, so if there is additional info you want to remember, you can.
I'm sure many folks have been doing this for a while, but for me, spending time here over the past few years with tons of good recommendations, I needed a simple system to keep those orderly - on my phone, on my laptop, and anywhere I am logged into Google.