Does anyone have advice on how to transport a banjo from U.S. to Spain? Is it better to take it on the plane or ship it later? It seems that the costs either way can get pretty expensive. Would appreciate any input from those who may have dealt with travelling with a musical instrument. Thanks.
I would take it with me in the airplane, if I would be allowed. In my opinion it's safer and for sure will get to the destination in time.
Also before I buy the airfare, I would with different airlines to see which one charges the least amount of $.
how 'bout "on your Knee"?...(sorry)
It's hard to give a definative answer. OK - there's no point in telling you what professional musicians do - it costs a lot of money. A Banjo will not meet the carry on luggage dimentions for a European airline, but it might for a US airline. So a lot depends on which airline you are using, what the route is, whether it is direct or connecting and how full the aircraft is going to be. So all you can do is phone the airline personally. Ask them to retrieve your booking and ask them to give an answer to your request to bring a banjo on board. If they say 'Yes' then ask them to 'Put a check-in note into the PNR to that effect' ( use those exact words - sorry that's a bit of airline jargon ). The chances are, however, that they'll tell you it's an issue that will have to be decided at the time of check-in. If that is the answer, arrive early, be really nice and smile your biggest smile. Be prepared for the fact that the banjo may have to go in the hold.