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Moving to Europe?

I understand that this is a travel forum but you guys are so knowledgeable I thought I’d give it a go!

I have been thinking for a while about moving somewhere .. I don’t know where .. to Europe for at least a year – why not – no kids no mortgage! We might perhaps travel around but up to 6 months and then plan on settling in somewhere for minimum a year and work and then bring our dogs over to be with us. First choice for me is Germany (Munich area), then perhaps France (Marseille area), then UK (not too sure about where here). My partners first choice would be an English speaking country.

We both hold British passports – as far as I am aware this gives us the right to live and work in any country in Europe (plus perhaps some extra registration processes with local councils upon arrival). We both speak English, I speak VERY basic German and my partner no other language – but we would learn of course. We are both working professionals, I have a Bachelor in Education and he has Certificates and training in IT.

I suppose what I’m getting at is, does anyone have experience trying to find jobs in their profession in non-English speaking countries if you aren’t fluent in that countries language? Is it easy if you know the right place to look, very hard or near impossible? Do employers look for such people? Or should I not try and get a job in my profession and get work anywhere, hospitality etc. Or just try and find work in the UK if I am not fluent in any other language?

I dont mind having to learn the language or brush up on my existing German, i would feel more accomplished afterwards i think if i did, like i achieved something, but at the beginning interactions may be an issue!

Posted by
9269 posts

If you want to live and work in Germany, this website might be your best source of information about doing this. Here you will find job listings, advice for where to live, apts. what kind of jobs are open to non-German speakers, etc. You may find yourself relegated to teaching English in an already full market, or perhaps working at one of the international schools.

Posted by
984 posts

Presumably you are also looking at or asking for advice on ex-pat forums where there is very little new under wherever's sun.

Posted by
1052 posts

Well I can give you a couple of observations:
- The fact that you have EU passports, means that you are entitled to travel to any other EU country to seek employment for up to three months, with a possible extension of a further three months.
- If you have IT qualifications and experience, it is possible to obtain work without having an knowledge of the local language.
- With a background in Education you might be able find temporary work at an international school in Europe

If you wish to consider Switzerland then I would highly recommend reading Living And Working In Switzerland and the English Forum.

Posted by
2297 posts

"The fact that you have EU passports, means that you are entitled to travel to any other EU country to seek employment for up to three months, with a possible extension of a further three months."

This three-months-limitation is new to me, Jim. Can you point me to the respective regulation?

Posted by
1052 posts

I don't have the reference to hand, but if you look on the EU site you will find it in the free movement agreement. There are provisions to ensure the EU citizens to not become a burden on the host state, to my knowledge these rules have always been there. However for reasons best know to themselves the UK has chosen not to enforce those rules - this is one of the questions they are now being asked as they seek to renegotiate their EU membership.

Posted by
50 posts

Thanks for the forum links i have been busy reading and researching!

I wonder if a way to get around complicated and expensive rental arrangements in Germany would be to rent an airbnb property per month, for up to a year plus, i suppose it would depend if the host would allow. Has anyone done a long term stay at airbnb?

some of the airbnb places that would allow my doggies are out of the way a bit (plus i like the idea of living out of this city) and so i was wondering what would be the best car option for a year? has anyone needed a car for this long? would it be better to purchase a second hand car, long term car rental or i have seen something about lend/lease options.

I suppose i would love to hear your opinion on your favourite country to possibly live and work in and why?!
I am really tossing up between UK and Germany, but for me weather may be an influence cos to me i thought it just rains .. all the time in the UK and to me that is really off putting!

OK lastly .. and i dont want this to sound like an utterly stupid question .. but is the UK the only English speaking countries in Europe? (dont judge me)

Posted by
34151 posts

Malta(mostly), Cyprus(less), Ireland

Posted by
34151 posts

Oh and the Spanish Costas. More fish and chip shops on the Costa del Sol than in England, I think.

Not hard to find English there....

Posted by
337 posts

This three-months-limitation is new to me, Jim. Can you point me to
the respective regulation?

It's a very aggressive interpretation of Directive 2004/38/EC. EU citizens have basically an unlimited right of residence in the first three months and after five years. Between those two milestones the host country can expel them if they're an 'unreasonable burden on the social assistance system' or a danger for security or public health. But the EU values the right of residence, so it (and most member states) tends to be fairly lenient.