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Mother/Daughter European Vacation

21 year old college student daughter and forty something mom have completed our european vacation itinerary and before I purchase my train passes and begin making reservations would love your feedback on both itinerary and recommended lodging-budget is 70-90euros max per night-We leave late July and will be gone for 24 days.
thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions.
Paris 4 nights
Night train-Paris to Florence
Florence 2 nights
Florence to Milan for one night
Milan to Vernazzo 3 nights
Rome 3 nights
Venice 2 nights
Night train Venice to Vienna
Vienna 2 nights
Prague 3 nights
Berlin 4 nights

Posted by
671 posts

Is your budget each or combined and is that just for lodging?

Posted by
3551 posts

I would look into flying from Paris to Florence as it is a very long train ride( for your options). And skip Milan and go from Florence to CT either by bus or train. Milan is not a great tourist destination except for La Scala and Last Supper. And you are using lots of time in your transport to and from Milan. Otherwise looks good but you realize I am sure the train travel involved in your itin is alot it will be fatiguing. If you are spending & have reserved hotels for 70- 90 euros/ni in lodging only that is very good for expensive cities like Venice, Rome, Paris.

Posted by
20 posts

We are staying in Hotel Alinari in Florence next Saturday for 90 euros. I can let you know what it's like when I return.

You might look into VRBO - some do short term rentals. Our apartment in Rome is 500 for the week which is less than 90 euros per night.

I think there are housing places owned by the Church and run by nuns that are very spartan but clean and in expensive. You might want to pick up some Lonely Planet guides. They tend to have lots of budget suggestions.

Posted by
11507 posts

One and two night stops are exhausting. I would be tempted to skip Milan and add a night to Rome or Paris

Have you got all your hotels booked?

In Paris I can recommend Hotel Saint Pierre as cheap, central and clean,, but small rooms.

Posted by
1976 posts

You are doing a lot of north-south zigzagging in Italy that seems unnecessary and takes up a lot of time. If all your hotels aren't booked yet, maybe you could revise your schedule in Italy. I haven't been to Milan so I can't advise you about it, but others are saying it isn't that great so maybe you can think about that. I'm suggesting Paris-Florence, Florence-Rome, Rome-Vernazzo (not sure where this is), and Vernazzo-Venice.

Also consider what you want to see in each city. If you want to see Renaissance art and architecture (with some medieval stuff thrown in), Florence is your city. Rome has a lot of ancient and Baroque art and architecture, and the Vatican is a treasure trove all by itself. Venice has beautiful medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture, as well as great museums (the Accademia and the Guggenheim, to name two).

Posted by
10548 posts

Do you mean Vernazza, located in Cinque Terre?

Posted by
20 posts

Excellent comments- thank you. Yes I mean't Vernazza in Cinque Terre

Posted by
41 posts

I agree about flying into Italy instead of train. We just flew from Paris to Rome, then wound our way up Italy from there. I looked at so many ways to get us from Paris to Italy, and the cost (Easyjet-29euros) and less than 2 hours was just hard to beat. I also agree with skipping Milan and adding a day to Paris or Rome (or Florence).

Posted by
11507 posts

Oh yes,, I should mention , when I took my 11 yr old we flew from Paris to Rome,, I didn't over estimate the romance factor of hours on a train,, or sleeping in a closet on a train,, LOL< but really it was the cost.

We flew one way on Vueling for 80 euros.