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Moscow Travel meeting

If you like to talk travel, (which explains why you're on the Rick Steve site) and live anywhere near Moscow, Idaho, join us on Saturday, 15 February at 10:30am in the back room of One World Cafe, 533 South Main Street, Moscow. We love to talk about past trips, future trips and have all sorts of hints and suggestions for ways to make your trip run smoothly--but still enjoy the challenges!
Who will be able to get through the snow to be there?

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14549 posts

Barring a which you valley folk should not be driving anyway...I'll be there.

My agenda:
-hear about Curacao as I missed the report last month
-rec for hotel in AMS for one night in June and several nights in Aug!
-discuss flights from Paris to Venice in Sept
-non travel related commiseration regarding my crv getting the front end bashed in and sustaining a huge amount of damage...but not quite to the point it's totalled. No damage to me, thank goodness.

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2092 posts

Pam, there's an Easyjet flight from CDG to Venice Marco Polo for €69 (plus of course all the extra add-ons that are required) on the date you need. (We'll wave our handkerchiefs from the tour Eiffel as you fly over!)

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32320 posts

Darcy et al,

Have fun at the meeting. It was nice to meet some of you at the recent RS tour reunion!

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14549 posts

Ken, I was one of the three you met. You are welcome to come join us altho you may want to wait until the Spring thaw!

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32320 posts


After the brutal and miserable experience I had getting to Seattle (and Portland) this year, I'm going to stick close to home for awhile (it's a long story). Thanks very much for the invitation though. Who knows, one of these days I may be able to get there.


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14549 posts

We thought about you on our drive home....frozen fog the whole dang way. Totally understand wanting to stick close to home.

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2092 posts

The drive is only (supposedly) an hour longer for you than driving to Edmonds, Ken. We shall hope to expect you at the April or June meeting!

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32320 posts


Probably not for awhile. These days I tend to detest long drives and the drive to Seattle this year was NOT by choice (especially after sitting in the airport all day waiting for flights that were cancelled). I could have perhaps skipped the travel conference this year, but I really wanted to see my son in Portland so I "tolerated" the drive.

I'm waiting for someone to invent a "beam me up Scotty" machine, as that will take care of both long drives as well as the usual airport annoyances that we have to suffer through these days.

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2092 posts

Ken, I know exactly where there's a "beam me up, Scotty" machine! It's at Lévêque, fondly known as a lift!

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14549 posts

Looks like no blizzard is forecast for Saturday, just normal Feb. snow showers, lol! Looking forward to some travel talk!

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2092 posts

I've heard from several of the group: Pam, Monte & Sharon, Rog, Rena & Mike and Leslie will be there because Doug and I are going to go get her! She can't get out of it--we know where she lives! Pam, have you heard from any of the others?

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2092 posts

Have any of you heard from Terry? The roads might be too bad for them to make it. Also since she's a Diva, she might be practicing already since those Divas are pretty dedicated!

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14549 posts

Not sure about Laurie. I may be a little late. The neighbors are moving tomorrow and I'm dropping the husband off at a daughter's in Moscow, so don't know how smoothly that will proceed.

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2092 posts

It was a great meeting as always! Next meeting 15 March.

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14549 posts

Yes it was! Lots of fun travel ahead for group members!