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Moscow Meeting-19 May

It's that time again! The Towns & Villages Near Moscow, Idaho will be meeting Saturday, 19 May at "One World Cafe" at 533 South Main Street at 10:30. All questions welcome and we'd also enjoy hearing about your experiences! Who will be there?

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2092 posts

uh! travel experiences, Monte! just travel experiences, please!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that there will be some demonstrations! Not sure if they will be demonstrations or "manifestations"! We'll have to see.

Posted by
45 posts

I'll try to be there! I have a RS bag that I'll bring if you're interested in checking it out! :)

Posted by
4637 posts

Yes, Darcy is right. There will be some demonstrations against Putin in Moscow. Please be careful.

Posted by
14555 posts

Ilja, too funny! No visas needed for this Moscow. Monte TRIED to do a demonstration last time of something he had purchased at Magellans but we stopped him in time. Hoping Sharon will be able to make it this time! Caitlin, glad you can make it this time. Go down the short hall toward the back and the meeting room is on the left. Which bag do you have? We looked at...well I dont remember if it was the Civita or the Veloce, but one of those. My brother is always on the lookout for someone to bring a Tom Bihn Western Flyer bag, but no luck so far. I'll be there, not sure if the rest of the Troy contingent will be available or not. Yard work calls now that it has finally warmed up. Pam

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2092 posts

For show & Tell I brought Rick's Convertible backpack, Civita Day Pack and Velocé Shoulder bag to our first meeting.....But I didn't start any demonstrations. (PS: Putin will NOT be joining us; maybe he has yard work too. Thanks for the warning though, Ilja.)

Posted by
474 posts

Thanks for the reminder, Darcy. I will try to make it. Sounds like it will be an interesting event.

Posted by
14555 posts

Leslie, hope you can come!

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2092 posts

I'm looking forward to Doug's report on the demonstrations that Monte is going to cause. They should be extremely interesting. Wish I could be there too.

Posted by
14555 posts

Do we need to videotape the demo?? (Actually laughing out loud because we would not have been quick enough last time to catch the attempted impromptu Magellan demo, altho we could have gotten the Spark demo!)

Posted by
1840 posts

All right! If you don't stop I am going to bring pictures from our last trip and make you look at them, including a couple naughties.

Posted by
4412 posts

OK - I've just hired a local videographer to record your meetings. They sound potentially, ummm, 'interesting' LOL! Monte, do your thing! That videographer is expensive...I want some good stuff ;-)

Posted by
1840 posts

Why on earth would you want to videotape your meetings? I don't understand it.

Posted by
2092 posts

Not their meetings, Monte; the Sacramento group wants to video tape OUR meetings!

Posted by
1840 posts

I believe if any videotaping of our meetings take place a vote of the members should be taken.

Posted by
2092 posts

Hmmm, actually, Eileen, could you please cancel the video taping? I agree with Monte that I really don't think we want any record of our meetings. I just like to remember the fun times!

Posted by
4412 posts

"Hmmm, actually, Eileen, could you please cancel the video taping? I agree with Monte that I really don't think we want any record of our meetings. I just like to remember the fun times!" Hence, the videographer...;-)

Posted by
14555 posts

Looks like I will be the only Troy representative. Rog is tied up with a fundraiser in Lewiston and Laurie is tied up as well. Will see Doug and Monte and whoever else is able to come. If not, the 3 of us can talk enough for at least 10!

Posted by
2092 posts

@ Eileen-I meant "remember the good times" mentally rather than having evidence.....of our wild times. @ Pam-so with so many people from Troy tied up, you all must really go through the rope?
Hopefully Leslie (Colville) and Caitlin (Medical Lake) will be at the meeting too so all of you, please behave! (Leave all limoncello at home, please! One World can only handle so much frivolity!)

Posted by
14555 posts

Darcy, we will need nothing but the wild and crazy personalities of Monte and Doug for frivolity to ensue. LOL at the rope usage!

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14555 posts

We had a smaller group today, but were greatly enlivened by Caitlin's presence! Monte brought items for show and tell including the 9volt flashlight, the Wenger clipper and slip and snips. He fortunately did not have any Magellan-wear to model. Caitlin showed off her Gateway netbook which Monte ascertained weighed 1#. Caitlin also shared her summer travel plans which we will follow on her blog. Hetty gave her some tips on Germany. I believe we all decided Caitlin had the best-looking feet of the group. Monte was able to clean off his guidebook shelf by persuading us all to take some books home and donated some to OneWorld. Doug and Pam took notes. Meet up with us on June 16 in Moscow!

Posted by
31 posts

Sorry to have missed today's meeting. I had a celebration of life to attend. Looking forward to next month's meeting. I'm heading to Europe in September & still have a few things to figure out. I'm having fun planning the trip, reading up on things & getting tips/ideas from others.

Posted by
14555 posts

Suzy, hope you can make it next month. Were you looking for the perfect purse?? Couldn't remember! Bring it if you found it. I have no immediate travel plans, but have decided it is imperative for me to find THE purse soon. Monte had a bunch of guidebooks he was getting rid of but I think none were to your target areas. Bring your map and your itinerary! 10:30, Old World.