We meet at One World Cafe, 533 South Main Street, Moscow, Idaho at 10:30. The back room is reserved until 13:00 as usual. It's a great group of people who love to travel and love talking about travel! So come with your travel questions or travel experiences--so we can all learn more travel tips.
Will we see you there?
Good morning. I'll be there. I have a couple of small things to show.
I'll be there too! I will bring some show and tell things as well. Mine are not from Magellans. (LOL) Darcy, is Doug going to persuade you to take a couple of hours off from wedding plans to come visit?
I am trying really hard to get everything done for the wedding so that we can get to the 16 June meeting! No one should miss any of the show and tell (aka demonstrations)! I certainly wouldn't want to miss seeing anything small or large that anyone is showing! Should be extremely interesting and helpful for travel.
@ Pam, do you know if Roger, Laurie and Jim will be there or do they need to garden some more? I'll check to see if Leslie and Hedy will make it. Anyone else?
I think Rog is a yes. I believe he will be praying for another rainy weekend, altho they did a lot of yard stuff this weekend in spite of the yucky weather. He can check with Laurie tomorrow. I am not sure about Jim and Cathy. I saw her a couple of weeks ago and let her know the schedule.
Darn it! The videographer skipped town - but not after I paid him. So, no video of your last meeting. I still need video or still photos of Monte's demonstrations ;-) Perhaps he can simply send me a link to his own video productions... orrrrrr not...
There will be no videos of me because I belong the the screen artists guild and I need a release from the union to have my image used. Its a closed discussion.
Oh my....almost spewed iced tea on the computer screen on that one. Will probably laugh inappropriately the rest of the day thinking about Monte and the SAG and Eileen waiting for the download.
Monte is a FRAUD!! If he was a member of SAG he would know that it is the Screen Actors Guild, not Screen Artists Guild. He is obviously not in 'The Business', so his images can be used. No problem!
Andrea, you're smarter than you look.
So I'm told. Hey, wait a minute...you don't know what I look like. Do you? Hmm...maybe you are a Peeping Monte!
No, Andrea, I haven't shown the Moscow Group our 3 Musketeers picture from last June. So is anyone else coming to the meeting? I'm beginning to have doubts that Doug and I will make it. We're both feeling overwhelmed for some strange reason! Maybe it could be because our rehearsal dinner for 54 people has now become 58? We now have 2 extra chairs--Andrea, Eileen? would you like to be in our wedding?!!! (hahaha!)
"Andrea, you're smarter than you look." No, not really. She's not. (snort) Monte is actually an artiste, I'm sure... Good save, Pam! Sure, Darcy! I'd love to attend! I'm a pro at being a candlelighter...just sayin'. Some people are always a bridesmaid, I've always been a candlelighter. I could do that at One World Cafe, too - Monte and I could quickly work up a skit...
I can be your cake cutter Darcy. I have a lot of experience both cutting and eating cake!
Darcy, Rog is planning to come. Laurie is busy. If it is just Monte, Rog and me (maybe Hedy??) we wont lack for conversation! We will see you when we see you. You really might need a stress break!
Just saw on the KLEW news that they are moving the Farmers Market to Main St for a couple of weeks to replace the light poles in the big parking lot where it is usually held. This will have an impact on the ability to park at OneWorld.
@ Andrea and Eileen, WOW! we definitely need you two here for the wedding! What a great duo, a candle lighter and an expert cake cutter/eater! Maybe you should hire yourselves out for birthday parties too?
@ Pam, it's a shame we didn't know about the parking situation several weeks ago. If we had, I would have tried to convince you that we should have the meeting in Lewiston; Doug and I would definitely have made the meeting then.
Yep, the Farmer's Market change was not really on my radar screen! We could alternate doing Moscow and Lewiston?
That would be fantastic, Pam! Could you all vote at the June meeting on nating meetings between Moscow and Lewiston? Don't know if absentee votes are acceptable but I'm sure I could vote for Doug too! Hmmm, while I'm at it, I'll vote for Leslie too! If we do decide to nate meeting locations, we'll have to change our name.....any ideas?
nating meetings? changing meeting locations between Moscow and Lewiston! Any ideas for our name change? North Idaho? Panhandle?
Palouse/LCValley? Lewis-Clark Valley/Palouse?
Darcy, I have bad news for you. I'm not sure how to tell you this. Okay, I'll just have to come out and say it... I have misplaced my very special wedding cake cutting knife. I have looked high and low for it, but it seems to have disappeared. I guess I won't be able to participate in the wedding after all. I hope Eileen can find some matches or a lighter for those candles. If your group in unsure where to meet, I vote for Sacramento.
It was Heddy, Sharon and me. We bsed for a while and went home.
Andrea! Oh NO! your cake cutter is missing? I guess you can use the one that our son & dil-2b have? and of course, even if you can't cut, you would still be an excellent cake eater, yes? Surely we can find a lighter for Eileen? (I'm not too sure how safe she'd be with matches!) @ Pam, Rog & Monte--Regret to say that we can't be at today's meeting. We still have too many wedding projects to do. (I should have known we would!) Have a great meeting and when you talk about us, only say great things, please!
Monte, not sure if you will check in before you head up to Moscow. I am iffy on whether I can make it as Dad is having a tough morning, so not sure I can leave. Rog has had something come up so will not be there. It may be you and the Farmer's Market crowd!!
Sharon's back?! Sorry I missed her and sorry to be a no show. Dad having a difficult time this morning.