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Moscow Group Meeting

Come join us in Moscow, Idaho and bring your travel questions or travel tips and stories! We have a great group of regulars although some of our group are having a most delightful time in the Ukraine right now and didn't even invite us! We will meet in spite of not having our lead show & tell demonstrator at One World Cafe, 533 South Main Street, Moscow, Idaho at 10:30. The back room is reserved till 13:00. If you are wondering whether or not to order something from Rick's Travel Store, let us know because someone in our group will have it and show you the great benefits of owning your own! Who will be joining us? Any new comers?

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2092 posts

Anyone? Pam? Rog? Leslie? I bet Larry and Margy make it although they'll have jet lag. What about Laurie? Suzy? Where IS everyone?

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14554 posts

I'm here! I thought Marg and Larry weren't getting back til the 18th or so?? I hope to be there...depends on whether Rog can stay with Dad. I should know tentatively by Friday. Pam

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2092 posts

Anyone? Am I going to have to be there all by myself?

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2092 posts

Oh No! It turns out we can't make it due to a retirement party we really can't miss! Hmmmm, wondering if we should skip September? Any thoughts....anyone?

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14554 posts

Probably a good idea. I am still iffy so it might just be Hedy!

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2092 posts

No problem, Pam. We'll miss seeing everyone too! We're a fun group!

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2092 posts

We have decided with so many of our regular group on trips or extremely busy, our September meeting has been cancelled! : ( Our next meeting will be the 20 October, same time, same place.

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14554 posts

Thanks for doing all the leg work Darcy! I will miss seeing you, Doug and the rest of the group!