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More time in Italy v quick trip to Vienna?

Would like some general opinion.......

Have booked accomodation for nearly all my itinerary now, but have three nights unaccounted for as yet.

My original plan was to book a night train from Rome, to Vienna, spend a weekend (aka all day Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday) in Vienna, then catch another night train to Venice.

However I’m wondering if perhaps I’d be better to spend more time in italy instead. Perhaps I could then fit in a cooking class or some time in more provincial parts of Italy. I’m already doing the “main” tourist attractions - Rome, Pompeii, Venice, Florence, Milan - but haven’t devoted any time to Amalfi coast or Tuscany and I do wonder if I would have a more well-rounded Italian experience If I spent that weekend in Italy, instead?

Or - given that I don’t know when or if I will have another chance to see Vienna (I don’t know if I’ll ever have another European holiday again!!) should I stick to my initial plan?

Thank you so much in advance!!

I’m really not sure!!

What would your opinions be,

Posted by
12241 posts

It would be helpful to know how much time you have already allocated for you trip.

Responses will be different if its 3 day out of a 10 trip or 3 days out of a 21 day trip

Posted by
55 posts

Um - it’s about a month in total, but nearly three weeks of that is between London, Paris, Switzerland and Croatia.

So I guess it’s three nights out of about ten for Italy..... and yep, I think I made up my mind already. More Italy it is!!

Posted by
28831 posts

Only desperation would drive me to take two night trains over the course of three nights, so I like your decision. Also, if you mean you were originally planning ten days for Rome, Pompeii, Venice, Florence and Milan, I'd say you need more time for that itinerary as it is.

Posted by
1800 posts

A trip to Vienna isn't quick. Vienna is quite distant to the east. General Metternich once told that Vienna is so eastern that Asia begins at Landstrasse (i.e. just past Vienna's old city walls).

Posted by
1878 posts

I would allocate the time to Italy, you are already covering a lot in a little time in that country.

Posted by
996 posts

I'm voting more time for Italy as well. And having said that, I vote Tuscany over the coast, but that's just me. Your interests may be vastly different from mine.

Have a wonderful trip!

Posted by
10504 posts

You probably need those 3 nights just to give yourself enough time for the Italian spots that you already plan to hit. That is a LOT of ground to cover.

Posted by
15806 posts

Oh my gosh, Italy, Italy, Italy. Even if I had 4 weeks just in Italy, I wouldn't give up a weekend . . . though I thoroughly enjoyed Vienna. I'm actually in Bangkok right now, but I met an Italian couple this afternoon (adjoining tables over coffee) and I was reminded of all the wonderful places I've been to in Italy in the last few years. If you are stuck for a place, stop in Bologna between Florence and Venice . . . or just spend more time in each. I never have enough time in either.

Posted by
55 posts

Thanks - wow, pretty unanimous!!!

Definitely going to spend a bit more time in Italy. Thinking that - Instead of spending one of my “Rome” days for a daytrip to Pompeii, I’ll spend the extra day to explore Rome a bit more leisurely - then will head down past Naples, and stay a couple nights down there, so that I can have a full day to explore Pompeii (and if I’m all done in three hours, I’ll head to Sorrento for the afternoon),

I can’t quite decide whether I’d rather head straight up towards Venice after that - so that I end up with two nights in Venice, and can have a bit more time to explore Venice - or if I’d rather stop in Florence along the way?

Posted by
28831 posts

I would rather have two nights in Venice than one in Venice and one in Florence. I'd say the same thing if the choice were between 2 nights in Florence and splitting the time. Time spent checking into and out of hotels is a total loss.