Now have my new Dell mini 10,& loaded Skype on it, have the headset and mic. Have a contact list set up and will set up a prepaid acct soon. For those that have used it, when I make a call using Skype to a land line or cell phone, anyone know how that shows up on the person's phone. Will it show my name, or a funny number that someone might not answer that has caller ID? I have not made a call using it yet but wondered how it shows up. My 19 day trip is getting closer and closer. Since I cancelled last year it seem like it has been forever. Can't wait.
It will show up as a funny number BUT if you go into Skype it will allow you (for a small fee) to set the caller ID number to anyone you wish. I set it to my cell phone # for example...
It will probably show up as a real funny number with several leading zeros. If you want to PM me, we can experiment so you'll know what to expect.
Thanks for the info. Believe I will set it to my cell number. If not I would be in Europe talking to myself as no one would ever answer one of those funny numbers.