Thanks avirosemail,
Apparently Rick Steves and I notice it, but most people on the site don't. I think that's somewhat funny.
As I said to start I like, but don't love, Italy. Why like? There's so much history to see along with beautiful countryside and coasts. Why not love? Primarily because in Italy, I feel I'm treated as "ho hum" another tourist. When I visit Spain, as an example, I feel like they actually appreciate that I came to visit their country. It's not that they did more things for me, it's the attitude.
When I talk to people about going to Italy, it's not much different than what Rick says. I ask how they would feel if they arrived in their double hotel room and there was only one towel? If they then called the service desk for a towel and it wasn't delivered? If they then went to the front desk to ask for a towel and it still wasn't delivered? If you would laugh and think it's a quirky part of travel, you will likely love Italy. If you would be worked up about it, you probably won't love Italy. I tend to laugh at it, but I still notice.
Like traveling in the US, some cities are just nicer places than others - some prettier, others with better parks or museums. I wasn't too thrilled with Philadelphia (along with W.C. Fields) but I like NYC, both largely due to the attitudes I've encountered.