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5678 posts

I'm waiting to see what the second release of the iPad will be. I bet a lot of these issues are addressed and some cool new things are added. Pam

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9109 posts

I like what I see. I especially like that it has "real" GPS, and can support Divix and Xvid video files. But it doesn't appear that it can be used as a standalone product, you have to purchase an AT&T or T-Mobile plan......that kills it for me, I have no use for any kind of expensive data plan.

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32324 posts

Andrea, Interesting article! It's nice to see a somewhat detailed comparison between the two products, especially using them for travel. I've looked at both, but find that my Netbook is sufficient for now so I don't really need either product. I've heard rumors that Apple may have a smaller iPad in the works so it will be interesting to see if that's true, as it would be a strong competitor for the Galaxy. One advantage of the Samsung products is that they work with "Flash", while the iPads don't (Samsung has been using that fact in their advertising). Although Steve has taken another health-related leave-of-absence, I'm sure the Apple products will continue to roll out. Here's a link for the article, for those that like the "one click" approach. Cheers!