Wondering which might be safer? Does anyone have experience with either? The money clip can be seen at: http://www.savvytraveleredmonds.com/detail.aspx?ID=878
It looks like it could be easily grabbed and second the clip would mark you as wearing one. The money belt is invisible and no one will know you have it unless you are stupid enough to use it in public. The money belt is obviously safer.
Money belt worn under clothing = virtually total peace of mind, Rick sells a good one online.
I hear that they break and can be uncomfortable. I'm going for 4 1/2 weeks starting in September. I took my four pairs of pants to my tailor to get a inside pocket sewed in. HK
Heather: Interesting idea! You'll probably want to put your passport, paper money, etc in a plastic envelope, to prevent them from getting damp after a day's exertion.
Now for a dissenting view....
For years, I've traveled with something similar to the item in that picture, but there is one difference...instead of a clip, it has two belt loops [one black the other tan].
"Eagle Creek Undercover Hidden Pocket"
My belt goes through the one of the loops and it hangs on the inside of my pants. Previously I did wear a money belt, but found I like this item better.
One flaw: it's not long enogh to hold those old paper airline tickets without folding them over. So, my wife made me a longer one and I still use it on every trip.