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Money Belt / Wallet

My wife and I will be traveling to Europe for the first time next week. I have purchased Rick Steves' money belt and will be using that for big bills, passport, credit cards etc.

But, I haven't read anything on how to manage the smaller cash and debit card used for shopping; I imagine it would be a pain to have to dig into the money belt in every little shop I go; does anyone have any suggestions? Should I also bring cheap wallet to keep the cash I will be using often? Thank you very much for your help!

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16031 posts

And remember, a money belt doesn't just have to be the one worn around the waist. I prefer the Eagle Creek Hidden Pocket type with loops that your belt goes through and the pocket goes between your leg and the inside pant leg. Very comfortable.

Others include neck wallets, leg stash (i don't recommend) and for the ladies....a bra stash.

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1455 posts

In Rick's travel store, he has a small coin/bill pouch that he puts his currency (small amount, mind you). The bulk of his goodies are in his trusty money belt

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10344 posts

Eric: Here's the standard answer given by Rick to your question:Put the cash you think you'll need for the day in your wallet in your front pocket, in a zipped front pocket is even better, or in some other place that's accessible but reasonably secure. This is your daily cash, if a pickpocket gets it, it's only an inconvenience but not a disaster.This minimizes the need to access your debit card.Keep your debit card in your money belt worn under your pants but outside your shirt. Then, if you need to access your debit or credit card during the day, it's easy and not awkward if you do this one thing: when you're getting dressed in the morning put on your money belt in a way where it ends up under your pants but on top of your shirt--then, if and when you have to access your money belt, you don't have to pull out your shirt or unfasten your trousers. You just suck in the gut slightly, reach down (wear the money belt right under your belt line), pull the money belt up, access it and then put everything back. Writing it out makes it sound more complicated than it actually is, it will only take a few seconds and entails no awkward or embarrassing moves on your part. But the main point is: Have the cash you will need for the day someplace else other than your money belt, so you don't have to access your money belt except to get out your credit or debit card to pay for a big expenditure such as dinner. If you put your debit card anyplace else other than your money belt--for convenience--you're defeating the whole purpose of having the money belt, which is to make sure the vital things which you absolutely can't afford to lose don't go missing. It took me several trips before I learned this little trick of having the money belt outside my shirt--I'm a slow learner but eventually I catch on.

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16031 posts

One little trick that might help with the wallet in your front pocket it to put a thick rubber band around it. If someone does try to pickpocket you, you should feel the friction from the rubber band. It must be a thick rubber band and on tight. (I also suggest buying a cheap wallet to use strictly for travel. If you lose it, you're not out $20 for the wallet.)

I thought about also wearing an under-shirt neck wallet instead of a wallet in my pocket (easy to get to), but I tried one on the other day and it was uncomfortable in the heat.

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8 posts

I believe that all robbers know that tourists have on a money belts.

I take my daily cash and credit card and hide my extra cash and credit card. Purchase a large stick deodorant, unscrew and remove the deodorant, place your extra credit card and money in the empty case, screw the deodorant back in, cut off the excess so the lid will fit, and just leave it out in the bathroom with the rest of your toiletries. Not too many people steal used deodorant!

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10344 posts

Robert: Yours is an interesting method and, obviously, whatever makes you feel comfortable is what you should do. On the Helpline we're often giving advice to less experienced travelers--so I'm going to add the quote from Rick's Tour of a Money Belt so less experienced travelers can consider his advice:"With a money belt, all your essential documents are on you as securely and thoughtlessly as your underpants. Have you ever thought about that? Every morning you put on your underpants. You don't even think about them all day long. And every night when you undress, sure enough, there they are, exactly where you put them. When I travel, my valuables are just as securely out of sight and out of mind, around my waist in a money belt. It's luxurious peace of mind. I'm uncomfortable only when I'm not wearing it."Here's the link: Rick's Tour of a Money Belt

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193 posts

Kent is spot on!

Just keep the cash you need, and keep the rest in the money belt. It takes a day to get used to the money belt but it gives back good peace of mind.
When I get back to the US it takes me a couple of days getting used to not having it on!

Bon Voyage

Posted by
1317 posts

I believe that all robbers know that tourists have on a money belts.

You'd be surprised how many don't. Regardless, the point of a moneybelt is to keep the money where wandering fingers can't get it. All robbers know that tourists have on underwear (I hope!) but they probably aren't going to try to steal it from you.

The entire point behind a moneybelt is to have deep storage on your body that you don't access throughout the day. If it's difficult for you to get to, it's difficult for a thief to get to. Conversely, if you wear the belt on top of your pants so you can 'dip in' easily--guess what, so can the thieves!

Keep your daily spending cash in a small wallet or inside jacket pocket. I used a coat with a small pocket on the chest. If anyone's fingers were heading in that direction, believe me, I'd know!

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2207 posts

Live here and still wear a money belt for ID and credit cards every day... would not leave home without it!


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18 posts

Eric, I think for smaller amounts, you'll want to use cash...& that you won't be pulling out the credit/debit card very much. (Stores are more likely to have minimum requirement for credit/debit cards & transaction fees can add up quick.) If your day's schedule calls for a large purchase or cash withdrawal, then put the credit/debit card in a more convenient location. (I like a neck wallet underneath my top layer.)

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2349 posts

I have often used a money belt here in the US when I'm travelling with more cash than usual. In years past when there were fewer ATMs, and we were staying in Canada. Plus I'm a-scared of them thar Canucks. One suggestion-if you are ever in a dicey hotel or hostel, you can wear your belt while you sleep.

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12313 posts

I do as Rick and Kent describe, keep my money belt inside my pants, outside the shirt just below the belt line.

The one thing I would add is it's nice to have a money belt with multiple pockets. I can keep my debit card in a seperate zipper pocket so when I take it out, I don't risk having something falling out accidentally and getting left on the ground in front of the ATM.

If you have a single pocket money belt, you can also seperate things in different plastic bags as a substitute.

Daily cash goes in a front pocket of my pants.