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Moment of silence for the 228 souls on the Air France jet

This might be the time for a moment of silence for the 228 souls on the Air France plane that crashed en route to Paris from Brazil.

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3428 posts

Amen! Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and the co-workers of the flight staff. Shalom and amen!

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8293 posts

Yes, Kent. I have been thinking of them all day.

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9047 posts

Thank you Kent for posting this note. It is always sad when things like this happen.

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441 posts

Thanks for reminding us to think about them. My prayers go out to their families.

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808 posts

I can only imagine how terrifying the final minutes of that flight must have been.

As an F/A I can imagine a plethora of senarios as the Crew were called to take action. I guess we will never really know what hell the Pax and Crew experienced in the Cabin.

I feel like I want to wrap my arms around the next AF Crew that I pass just like I did American Crews after 9/11...

We often salute Crews in passing but somehow this time I wanted to say how sorry I was. After all, they are my sisters and brothers from different mothers at 37,000ft.

I've always told my Family that if I were to perish in the line of least my final moments were exactly where I wanted to be more than any place on Earth.

Soon everyone will forget this tragedy...but the family and friends will mourn forever...
