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mini iPad for Italy 2 weeeks?

Hi everyone, I thinking of purchasing the mini iPad 16gb today to take it on my trip to Italy. I have read a few posts here and I have to admit I am not a big tecchie. This is what I am hoping to be able to do: - skype home - gps for walking tour - download my photos off the camera at the end of the day - use apps for train and bus schedules
- call restaurants and hotels if needed Shall I leave my camera which requires Volt conversion at home and just use the mini iPad to take photos? Does the mini ipad need a voltage converter? Do I need to buy the adapter for power supply? I would just like to have answers in lehmens terms - thank you

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1022 posts

Skype - yes if you have a good wifi connection Calls to restaurants and hotels - yes, if you can use Skype Apps for train, bus schedules - yes, but see below about data GPS for walking tours - in order to be able to access maps, you'll need an app which doesn't require a data feed or, if it does, have an Italian data sim if your mini is data capable
Photos - to load photos from your camera, you need an accessory which costs $29. The mini takes good photos but isn't as easy to use or as flexible as a camera. I would try it out to see how it handles and understand the features, then decide. I expect you'll want to take the camera. Modern camera chargers are dual voltage so all you need is a plug adapter which you also need for the mini iPad. No converter is needed. So check your charge cord to be sure about that.

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3302 posts

I am not a techie either but have taken my iPad to Italy so I can answer a couple of things. You do not need a voltage converter, just a plug adaptor. You can use the built-in FaceTime instead to Skype to call other Apple devices. It works great. It can take photos just like an iPhone but they are wide-angle and not good for all purposes. Mi would take a small camera for most photos. Make sure you buy the connector to download the photos from camera to iPad. The people at the Apple store will set you up wopith the right one. I don't know how you would use it to call restaurants, it is not a phone. As for GPS, I hope someone else can explain. My understanding is that the mini has Apple maps and they are no good. You want Google maps.

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5 posts

Great replys thank you. I was also thinking, I am due for an upgrade with the iphone 4 - I am going to check out to upgrade to iphone 5. Anyone have any good comments about that?
So maybe just skip the mini ipad alltogether and pay $199 to upgrade to iphone 5. I am with verizon so I understand the 5 works overseas..... aaah...too many choices...

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3302 posts

Iphone5 is the one with bad maps. Google iPhone 5 map issues. They may have resolved the problem with an app but you should check on that.

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32417 posts

Vera, I don't own an iPad Mini but may qualify as a "techie", so I'll try to answer your questions in layman's terms. > Skype home - I don't use Skype but it should work in areas where you have Wi-Fi available. If you wish to use with cellular data, you'll have to be VERY careful with data roaming charges. > GPS walking tour - as a previous reply mentioned, this may also use cellular data, unless you download off-line maps. It won't work the same as a "live" GPS in that case. > Download Photos - possible with the appropriate Camera Adaptor ($29). > Use App's for train & bus schedules - again, if these use cellular data, you could incur HUGE charges > Call Restaurants & Hotels - that's not practical (again, "cellular data"). As Sasha mentioned, it's not a phone. AFAIK, all Apple Chargers are designed for multi-voltage operation. You can verify that by looking at the spec's on the Charger - it should say "Input Voltage 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz". You will of course need Plug Adaptors specific to the countries you'll be in. The type used in Italy have two round pins, and I'd suggest taking at least two as they're easy to misplace. I'm assuming you've verified that your Camera Charger is not designed for use in Europe? You could still use it, as 50 watt Transformer-based Voltage Converters are not large or expensive. If you decide to buy an iPhone 5, that will also provide a Camera. Check with Verizon on the costs for their international travel plans (voice only or with data). One point to add - Google Maps is now available as a FREE App! Happy travels!

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1022 posts

"unless you download off-line maps. It won't work the same as a "live" GPS in that case." I don't know what that means. If one receives GPS, it is live. Stored maps work fine with GPS on a mini-iPad, iPad or iPhone assuming it's a good app. Recently recommended on these forums is a map app named FreeNav for the UK. It looks good. The Verizon iPhone works outside the US only if it is configured properly or "unlocked." You'll need to discuss this and the international roaming charges with the company. Note that Italy has cheap prepaid phone and data service so service with an Italian service provider is an option. Look on the Trip Advisor Rome forum for the latest info.

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284 posts

Hi Vera, 1) Are you sure that your camera requires a voltages converter? I can't remember the last time that a camera (even the cheapest ones) came with a US only battery charger. You may need a plug adapter, but those are cheap (like, $3). 2) An iPad mini can take pictures, but it is not a replacement for a real camera. I don't think I would trust vacation memories to an iPad camera. 3) Yes, it will skype. Yes, with the camera adapter you can download your photos. 4) Call restaurants? No. It is not a phone. 5) Apps train and bus schedules: Maybe? If there is an app for it. Otherwise, you can use the browser to access the local transit page. 6) GPS for a walking tour? Yes, but you will have to precache the maps. Google maps for iOS might have this feature, but I'm not sure. 7) The charger that comes with the USB works everywhere. You just need a plug adapter. Another option that you may want to check out is the Nexus 7. It is similar to the iPad mini, except that it is $130 less expensive and there is no camera adapter. On the other hand, a 32GB memory card should last you all vacation and cost $25. Long story short: For about the same price as an iPad mini, you could get a new camera (like the Canon 110HS, a 32GB memory card, and a nexus 7. It does everything that the iPad does (except the camera adapter) and the photos from the 110HS is be far, far better.

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10836 posts

I agree with everyone else that the IPad will do all you are asking, but you need a camera for taking better pictures. In addition, I just returned from a trip where I forgot my phone charger, so I used Skype on my IPad to make all my calls to restaurants, attractions, etc. Have to have wifi though unless you buy one with 3g/4g/ whatever it is nowadays and pay a subscription.

Posted by
122 posts

According to Apple's website, the IPAD mini (wi-fi only)does not have a GPS chip. It gets location data from wi-fi. if you have the 3G, 4g model it obtains position data from cell phone towers as well as GPS satellites (could be a substantial charge for data usage however). Some 7" Android tablets do have a built in GPS chip and can be (with appropriate apps) used as true GPS units. For tablets without GPS chips but with blue tooth (including jail broken IPAD mini)you maybe able to use a minituare GPS receiver (also with blue tooth) to transmit it's data to the tablet.

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4421 posts

Just to muddy the waters...I've seen some photos taken with the newest iPhone - Killer!!! They look fantastic, even when expanded! These people have sworn off ever again taking a point-and-shoot on vacation... Also, Apple and Google have kissed and made-up...Google Maps are back! You have to update your iPhone/iPad...but that takes a couple of taps on the screen. I yuvs me some Google StreetView! Also to confuse things - We own a new iPad AND an iPad Mini (or as I like to call it, a 'Mini Pad'...giggle. I refuse to grow up.). If I had to do it all again, I'd get the iPad Mini, hands down! It weighs the same as a Kindle reader, and looks as good as the full-sized iPad. The size and weight are HUGE considerations. Vera, if you'll be talking to others who also have newer iPads/iPhones, you can use FaceTime to talk with them (instead of Skype). You just need a wifi connection at the time, or if you're using the latest iPhone, you/they can use data (Watch Those Roaming Charges, though!). FWIW, in 14 years of European traveling, I've called a hotel only once while in Europe. Once. And that was only because it was pre-wifi days. I have used email while in Europe to communicate with hotels (arriving later than planned, needing an extra day on my upcoming hotel stay, etc.). I never call for restaurant reservations. You may not want/need a phone. You can then use email/FaceTime/Skype on an iPad to communicate with people in the USA. IF you buy an iPhone, Educate Yourself on how to use it on your data plan in Europe Wisely. People have come home to $1000s of roaming charges :-(

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5 posts

Wow great replies - Thank you everyone - I am very appreciative for all the responses. I sometimes wonder how on earth did we travel before - ha ha ha. I had an old Blackberry Storm 9530 in my junk draw, I ressurected it and had it unlocked. I have decided to buy a sims card when I get to Rome with data plan. I am going to take my Canon powershot sx120 which produces amazing photos, but its not as slim as some of the newest ones. Then I am going to buy a 32GB SD card so no need to download each night. Then I am going put away all my gadgets and take in each moment of my trip :) This is my post divorce and 50th Birthday present to me - Im ready to get my groove back on. :)
Thank you everyone!

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284 posts

William: According to Apple's website, the IPAD mini (wi-fi only) does not have a GPS chip. It gets location data from wi-fi. Thank you for underlining that point! I missed that. I thought for some reason that Apple FINALLY understoof that GPS is not an optional thing for "smart" devices. That right there is all the more reason to get the Nexus 7 and call it good. No GPS = No go. The iPad will not give you real locations. It's only a half useful tablet that costs an arm and a leg.

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34583 posts

Then I am going to buy a 32GB SD card so no need to download each night. It is safer if you do. Will you be OK if your camera, along with its 32 GB of photo and photo capacity gets lost/stolen/dropped/flies over the cliff edge/misplaced/eaten by a dog/falls in the toilet?

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9371 posts

I was going to say the same as Nigel. You might want to rethink the single SD card. If it is lost or corrupted you would lose everything. Better to download every day (that's what I did, with my netbook, when I traveled last year) or take several smaller cards and rotate them.

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4421 posts

"This is my post divorce and 50th Birthday present to me - Im ready to get my groove back on. :) " Look out, Italy - Vera's comin'!!! Have a great trip ;-)

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1525 posts

Vera; You certainly don't need a 32gb sd card unless you expect to take hours of video with your camera. Depending on the camera's resolution, 32gb will be around 16,000 photographs. But naturally, you don't want to run short. However many gb you use, you are better off using them in 2-4gb cards. Fill one up (or change cities) and change cards. Put the used one in a safe place you are unlikely to forget. That way if you lose your camera, you don't also lose all your photos, just some. As for the iPad mini, it is a wonderful device (as is the full size version) but you should spend some time with it at a store before you buy. Particularly if you have never used a tablet device before, it is impossible to adequately describe the functionality in words. It's something that has to be touched to appreciate. It can be very useful for travel in numerous ways. But no, it isn't necessary. And it takes some time to get used to all of the things it does and to get comfortable with it's functionality. And there is a very good reason why the iPads are more expensive AND why they still outsell all other tablets combined...