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Mid twenties male traveling alone

As all of you know, I WANT TO SEE THE WORLD, but..... I am terriefied of traveling alone. I am 25 and a male and want to go all over the world. Do any of you have advice on how to travel alone or with small groups of people my age. i do take meds for OCD, Tourettes and Schizophrinia and am afraid someone might steal them. I have always traveled with my parants but want to go on my own and explore this great world alone. Any advice will be great, thanks!!!

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4412 posts

ANY meds I HAD to have would be in my money belt!!!...After going through airport security, they'd be in those tiny, 'ziploc' bags made for pills. Now, if I were traveling for 6 months that wouldn't be particularly feasible..........At your age, I would have been terrified to travel alone, too! (not anymore...) Surely there are some hostel message boards or something similar - that might help you get your feet wet in that Big Pool of Independent Travel! And you DO have experience, so you're not completely green to the whole world of European travel. That's a BIG plus!!!

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10548 posts

Do you have any friends that would like to travel with you? If you are worried about going on your own and you don't know anyone interested, there are tours that are geared to younger people that you might want to look into. I agree with Eileen regarding your meds. Keep them with you at all times.

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425 posts

I would suggest that you first travel around this country alone. Go to LA or NY and see how your comfort level is. For you first trip out of the country I would pick a place that you are familier with the language. If you studied French or German in school, I would go there. If you haven't, then I suggest taking some courses first. Pick a RS tour and go with a group.

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2799 posts

Hi Brendon, I would suggest you going to the UK for 10 days for your first trip alone. The UK is so easy to get around and so friendly. There is so much to see and do there, try not to do and see everything your first trip, if you do you will stress yourself out. As for your meds keep them with you at all times.

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16053 posts

To expand a little on what Rob said....what about taking your first trip to either the UK or Ireland or both. They, basically, speak the same language as us, and it might feel more comfortable to you, for your first trip, to be somewhere you could easily make yourself understood if you had a problem. Once you see how easy it is to do that, the rest of Europe, or the world, is at your door step......Another option is a tour. Contiki runs tours for people 18-35 with the majority of people in their mid-20's. These tours can include some very heavy partying but you can choose how much you want to participate. An RS tour would also be an idea. While the age range would be vast, the groups would be smaller. I wonder if an RS family tour might include more people your own age? Perhaps those who have taken them can chime in. .....Edit...I see Robin and I posted at pretty much the same time with the same idea. Let me add something to the above. I recently heard of a tour company called Topdeck that caters to people 18-30. I know nothing about this company but you might want to take a look at

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211 posts

I think an important question that you need to answer is how comfortable are you with public transportation? Do you take it at all in your everyday life, ie bus, metro, trains anything? Also, are you comfortable with a map? I ask this because I rely on public transit in my everyday life since I live in a city, so I'm used to it and think it's easy. But i had a cousin come to the city and ask how to use the bus, I explained everything and was met with blank stares and she was terrified to learn. I also went with a collegue to Toronto and when work was over, we split up, he asked me how to get back to the hotel, I told him that the subway was downstairs and was met with a blank look, and he took a cab. If you're not comfortable with public transmportation or maps, I first suggest a tour like Contiki as others have suggested. This will help you get your feet wet, and you have downtime, where you can see if you can handle traveling by yourself. If you are set on going about it alone, I also suggest an English speaking country. It's a lot easier to grasp general travel behaviour in a country where you can understand the language. Once you get the basics down, the general steps are the same in any language. Good luck and have fun