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Message from Transport Canada

I was sent this link from friends who know I travel...I think that we can still laugh at this, but will we still be laughing next year?

I've been wondering if the restriction of nothing on your lap for the last hour of flights to the US from abroad is happening. Are they really making you stow your books and magazines or has commonsense prevailed?


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124 posts

This link is to a segment from the Rick Mercer show, doing a humorous take-off on the rules that first came from Transport Canada after the Christmas Day attempted bombing.

Last weekend, I flew from Toronto to Seattle on Air Canada. I was only allowed to carry my small purse and checked my RS rolling suitcase. I went through the usual security screening, then had a second screening, including a pat-down, just before I went to the gate. My purse was also thoroughly searched. I had a magazine, a book and my knitting in a plastic shopping bag - this was also carefully searched.

Once we were in the air, nothing was mentioned about any other security measures. I was able to knit, read and watch the movie right up until the plane arrived at the gate at Sea-Tac airport.

The latest update from Air Canada is that one carry-on bag is allowed on the plane now, with a small personal item, i.e. purse. The news tonight showed the body scanner installed at Pearson airport in Toronto - not sure if every person will be required to go through it before going onto a flight to the U.S.

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32222 posts


I had a flight to Seattle a few weeks ago, and had a similar experience with security. However, flights within the U.S. appear to be "business as usual".

From what I've heard about the full body scanners, passengers will have a choice - either the scanner or a "pat down".

I'm sure pleased that a carry-on bag is allowed again!