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Mediterranean weather

We are planning a cruise through the French and Italian Riveria in October and have heard it's the "rainy season" in the Mediterranean. Is that true? What can we expect in mid-October?

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12313 posts

We had ideal weather in Italy in October. We experienced a very light rain one night in Rome, not enought to need an umbrella. That said, we did miss a rain storm, by a week, in Cinque Terra that washed out trails - so rain is possible. I'd choose October over July/August any day. I'd rather have a chance of rain than really hot.

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517 posts

What Brad said.
My kids have "October break" at their school. We often dive down to the Mediterranean during that week for a last gasp of summer before cold weather rolls into Vienna. I can only remember having beautiful weather. The last 2 years were in Barcelona and Venice. That having been said, this is Europe! Rain happens. Be prepared. Have a good trip!

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33468 posts

Hook up to Weather Underground and put in your ports and the dates you will be there. You can get up to 15 years history, in great detail, for each of your ports. The Med is not the Tropics. It doesn't have a rainy season, but there are times when there may be more rain. Any history of weather is no guarantee of what it might do this year.