I've read several places that meds should be carried in the origianl bottle in which they were dispensed. But since I get 3 month supplies the containers are large and I take several different heart meds. Question: Is the reason for advising original containers having to do with customs or other legalities or is it so you'll have a record of your prescription if you run out? I have signed prescription scripts from my doctor and am planning to consolidate a month's worth into 2 bottles, rather than taking the 5 individual ones. Anyone see a problem with that?
Techically, as far as I understand, laws state that controlled substances must be in the original container with original label. Can you not get the typical smaller bottles? Five of those would take up no space at all. Otherwise, since you have documentation on the prescriptions, I wouldn't be too concerned about consolidating into a single bottle or two. Personally my own medication has never raised an eyebrow. I'm only on one though and I just consolidated and put two months of pills into one bottle. It's only an issue if you're questioned and also what country is questioning you, as I would imagine some lesser developed countries or those ports of entry that are possible drug trafficking hotspots would be the biggest risk.
Go to your Pharmacy. They will dispense your medications in a smaller container.
It's not always that easy. My health insurance requires that you use their mail-in service, and that you get a 3-month supply at once. Duane, perhaps the mail-in service would be accommodating, if you explain your situation, maybe they could give you a refill of your meds broken down into smaller containers? They might say no, but it's always worth asking.
I'm not familiar with any insurance that requires all medications to be mail-order. My own employer's plan requires me to do so only to actually make it affordable. But they certainly don't make me wait when I need an antibiotic or other script to cover an immediate illness. I just have to pay more (sometimes much more) at the in-store pharmacy. So that may be an option for some people too. Get a short-term script to give to your local pharmacy for a 30 or 60 day supply.
Call your provider and ask that they print extra lables for you. You can then ask a local pharmacist to give or sell you some smaller bottles. Each kind of pill should be in a seperate bottle. Lots of reasons for that- perhaps the most important being that meds can interact/react with each other. But also for security at the airport. Taking extra written prescriptions is ok but they can't be filled in Europe. I always carry double the number of pills in case something happens and we get "stuck" over there for a few days. I also got the generic and chemical names for all of my meds and have typed out a sheet with dosage, etc. and all names- name brand/generic/chemical as European drugs are often under different names.