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Medications for long term travel in Europe

My family is planning to travel and live in Europe--several countries--in a couple of years, for a duration of approximately a year. I have a child who takes medication--and needs it--that is a controlled substance so I can't get a US insurance company to approve an extended prescription. Does anyone else have any experience with this? Adderall must be filled (in the US) with a hard copy prescription, in person at a pharmacy, on a monthly basis. Will I have to get a doctor in Europe in order to handle this? Has anyone on the forum obtained long-term medical care/insurance in Europe? France will probably be our base country. Does anyone know if a doctor in France will accept the diagnosis of a US doctor in order to prescribe medication? I just need some comments and maybe some suggested resources to start investigating this. Thanks for any help.

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4183 posts

Keeping the Schengen rules in mind, you may learn a lot about this issue when you get your visas to make France the base country for this long-term stay in Europe. If France is your base country, you might want to ask a version of this question specific to France on that section of this Forum.

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23727 posts

You are dealing with a very uncommon situation that I doubt if there is any experience with on this site. Obviously you will need a local doctor. Have you checked with his doctors for assistance? Many doctors belong to international networks just for this purpose. I would work with his doctors to id an appropriate doctor in the area you are staying in so that records can be exchanged. Given the nature of adderall, I am sure a French doctor would not accept your word without back up documentation. I have a infrequent but re-occurring eye problem that requires immediate attention (within the first hour). I carry my doctor's direct number so I can call him and he will give me the name and number of the nearest doctor to treat my problem - supposedly anywhere in the world. Fortunately, I have never had to test it but this as an example of how his doctors could be in contact with local doctors.

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5499 posts

Adderall was banned from use in France in the 1980s and it is very difficult to get there today, maybe impossible.

It is obtainable in the UK as an unlicensed drug with a private doctor's prescription, but as it is imported from the USA, and needs special customs clearance as an amphetamine is very expensive.

Personal use imports are limited to 3 months supply without an import licence

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1068 posts

I think the first thing to understand is that if you are allowed to stay in the EU or EEA beyond the standard 3 months, it will be as a resident, not a tourist. And as such you will be subject to the same rules and regulations of the citizenry there. From a medical point of view you will be covered by the French system and of course you will need a French doctor. In terms of meds you will only have access to those authorised for use in the EU, so if the drug you are seeking in banned in the EU then you will not be able to get it.

Another thing to keep in mind is that as a resident you will be subject to the childcare laws of France, that means school attendance, medical rules and so on.

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11525 posts

Chris I sent you a private message. I have some experience with your situation .. but your situation is much more complicated. I stand by what I said,, consider very carefully what you will be walking into .. and look at private schools. The mentality there is not the same as here..