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May/June outerwear

I will be three weeks in Europe, starting in London, then Paris, Florence, Venice, Tuscany and Switzerland. We are starting out May 18 and finishing June 11.. trying to pack light but not sure what to bring as a jacket for evenings.. how heavy it needs to be --I know it is sort of like spring weather at that time but evenings can get chilly.. (Switzerland is another story I realize and we are prepared for that with fleece and packable down vests and a waterproof windbreaker. I am thinking though at night if we go to a show or dinner and i want something nicer than fleece.. any thoughts on this.. what have others brought who have been there that time of year.

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3050 posts

The weather can obviously be very changable during that time of year and you will also be in a bunch of different climates. My advice is to try to pack things you can layer for when it's chillier. Layers can look more fashionable than say, fleece, if you're going somewhere nice. And if it gets hot, you're not in trouble. You can mix and match different items to still pack light and create a variety of outfits. For example: if you were to pack say, a skirt, a pair of tights, an undershirt/tank top, a nice but not fancy blouse, a sweater, and a blazer and a scarf, you can wear the skirt and blouse with open toe shoes if it's warm in paris during the day. if it's chilly in switzerland and you're at a nice restaurant, you can pretty much wear all of it at the same time plus closed toe shoes or fashion boots and be pretty warm. throw a pair of pants, a few extra shirts, a pair of jeans, and a pair of capris into the mix and you're set for a variety of situations and weather. I don't know that you'll need fleece and a down vest and a windbreaker. both the fleece and down vest are insulating layers, choose one or the other.

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1829 posts

I usually take a smarter more tailored looking, but still lightweight, fleece jacket which I can wear day or night. It is as effective as the more casual looking ones.

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2023 posts

We did a similar trip during that time period-Paris,Beaune, Provence,Chamonix,Wengen,Zurich. A light jacket was perfect for most areas and a fleece jacket (Land's End type) over a silk liner for high elevations. A scarf is a handy accessory and adds warmth-mine were not wool or heavy material. A pair of gloves was nice for the high up places. The light jacket was a water proof one and very handy for a rainy hike in the alps. Down was not needed at all. Think layers and you will be fine. Enjoy!

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286 posts

I agree, it is nice to have a tailored jacket that you can dress up or down, plus a more cosy travel fleece or jacket for outerwear when you are traveling. Those cities are quite fashionable and weather can vary so a nice blazer/jacket goes well with skirts. jeans, trousers etc.

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217 posts

nice jacket thanks for the link
I am still debating on what to bring.. thanks---I am looking at what we will be doing and what can do double and triple duty.. seems the weather at the times we will be there will be chilly.. 70-50 depending and so at night when we would be most likely to go out some place a little nicer I think I need something warmer.. just in case.. fleece is for the cooler climate such as Switzerland in the mountains when I will need warm layers.. its in the city I am not sure about and donj't want to bring too much.. trying to "pack light"

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976 posts

Those temps are ours currently. A pair of jeans, a long sleeved shirt ( washable in the sink), a generic jacket/blazer and perhaps a scarf to keep your neck warm would be sufficient. Weather is difficult to predict, but another layer like a Teeshirt under the long sleeve ( woven) shirt can be added to the above. I would not bring down vests unless you're going high into the mountains, even if packable. Have you looked at the suggested women's packing list elsewhere on this site? Very useful.

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217 posts

We will be going into the phone switzerland that's why I am bringing the down vest it's tiny and packs smalll

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12 posts

We were in Iceland, Paris, Venice, Rome & Sorrento for three weeks last year May 26th through June 16th. I took one pair of jeans & several (4) pair of capri pants. Lived in the jeans during the 3 days in Iceland & 3 days in Paris (everyone had jeans on, both tourists & locals) Italy was 75-85 degrees, capris were great for everything. Took several s/s shirts, one l/s shirt, one sweater & a lightweight waterproof windbreaker (Eddie Bauer)
Had to layer (several layers) in Iceland but that was expected, Paris was 62-70 degrees with a misty rain so the windbreaker was appreciated. Also carried two small umbrellas that we used. Wore everything and did laundry twice. Could have gotten by with only 2-3 pair of capris, stay basic and pack black with colorful shirts.

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217 posts

That is great advice thanks pam I was not planning on bringing jeans because they tend to be heavy I do have a lighter pair though so maybe I will reconsider as they are so versatile I have 2 lightweight wrinkle free pants from athleta that I thought I would live in 4 most of the time I also plan to bring 2 pairs of capris I am bringing some silk under clothes for warmth in switzerland Also a packable down vest packable rain poncho I am still waiting on a lightweight jacket something that will work well for both day and evening 1 long sleeve thin fleece shirt 2 or 3 short sleeve shirts and 1 or 2 long sleeve shirts we plan to wash as we go and need to if I really need a sweater I will buy 1 there
neutral colors with black