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May 11 Pentecost: Holiday or What?

I'll be in Paris that day and want to know if I can expect it to be more crowed than usual (i.e.: longer line-up at the Louvres). I see the "congé férié" was stopped in 2004 - I get a feeling it is back as a statutory holiday, but cannot get a grasp as to who is working and who is not - is it a school holiday?

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135 posts

Yes, Pentecost on May 11 is a religious holiday and, of course, a Sunday. The 12th is a holiday as well (Whitmonday), and the schools and universities are closed. Most likely, there will be lots of tour buses from all over Europe and long lines everywhere. If you get to the Louvre before it opens you may get lucky and not have too long a wait. Good luck!

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5 posts

Mon Dieu - who knew. So it is a work day, but not a school day? I will at least purchase admission tickets on-line ahead of time and hope that will lessen our wait time. Merci!

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216 posts

Pentecost is a religious/legal holiday in much of Catholic Europe. In bigger cities the services may be not as limited, but since it's a 3-day holiday, many shops normally catering to the tour trade are closed.

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424 posts

Oh my, I have a friend who will be in Paris 5/8 - 5/12 - I be she isn't aware of this (has never been to France or Europe). I will try to warn her of the conjestion.

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934 posts

We were in France a number of years ago and Pentecost and Ascension days were both on a monday.We were unable to find lodging on the coast and were told that many French people traveled on those three day weekends.