Does Mr. Steeves map of Spain and Portugal have a map of Seville.? Thank you Cheryl Parkinson (Also can I order the map on this site?)
Rick Steves does not monitor this web site or if he does it is very infrequent. This site is staffed by folks who have traveled in Europe trying to answer for others who are asking questions about European travel. You should check out the "Travel Store" shown at the top of this web site.
If you do not find what you are looking for there, you could always e-mail his office in Edmonds, WA, USA with your question.
Cheryl, Here is a suggestions. Do a computer search: When you find that site click on BOOKS. Once at BOOKS enter in the top rectangle that is blank: Portugal maps. After looking at the offerings do the same for Spain maps. You should find what you want.
'The Back's Even Better: The reverse side includes colorful, detailed city-center maps of Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, Granada, Toledo and Lisbon, locating sights from Rick's Spain and Portugal guidebooks. Plus a handy driving time/distance map.' Two seconds to copy the above from the map description in the Travel Store.
The map included with my Rick Steves' Spain 2010 book includes a map of Seville.
This question is not a bad one at all. When I was considering buying the Rick Steves Planning maps (note: NOT the books, the maps), I discovered that it was difficult to see online precisely how the maps were laid out, including which city details were inside. The Travel Store on this site shows some samples and shows none. This is not unexpected, because if you show a whole map "for free" online, people will find ways to copy the image rather than pay for the map. Ultimately I had to go to a brick and mortar bookstore and view the maps there to make my purchasing decision. So, to answer this question, I will have to wait until I get home and check my copy of the map. I see that the map name is officially "Rick Steves' Spain and Portugal Planning Map; Including Barcelona, Madrid and Lisbon" so my guess is that only those cities have insets in on the back of the map.
As for purchasing, yes, you can go to the Travel Store tab at the top of this site and make your purchase. Matt
Thank you everyone for your help with regards to a map of Seville being on Mr. Steeves map of Portugal and Spain. I had gone on they didn't mention Seville in the ad but The Travel Store does mention Seville. Happy Travels.
Don't rely on the maps that come in the Rick Steve's book. They're not horrible but not nearly detailed enough to rely on when traveling. The best general road maps are Michelin maps, that are available all over Europe and come in various detail depending on your need. We used them for years, before getting a GPS, and still use them as our general back-up map. We found Tourist Information offices in Spain offered functional (and free) street maps of the city. They also have maps of cities that may be next on your itinerary, as long as they're in the same region.
If you only want a quick tourist-style map of Seviile do this: Search Google Images for: map seville spain. Scan the options for one that says 1487 x 1100 on the bottom when you have your cursor on it. Click on that map. A black box with the title Seville on MakaMappa will appear. The big map shown should be the one you clicked on. Click on View Image. You will get a screen with only that map on it. Print the map. I printed mine in landscape format to get a clearer image. You can do something similar with many images of maps. I chose this map because I thought it was the best option for my planning purposes, but you might see another that would be better for you. Don't freak out if the map you click on is blurry at first. It should clear up. If it doesn't, even when you click on it or View Image, that's not a good candidate for printing. Sometimes printing in portrait format is better than landscape.