We will be spending 4/5 days in Malaga / surrounding area in Costa del Sol.
Is the 15 hour day trip from Malaga to Tangiers / and back worth it?
Suggestions welcomed!!
We will be spending 4/5 days in Malaga / surrounding area in Costa del Sol.
Is the 15 hour day trip from Malaga to Tangiers / and back worth it?
Suggestions welcomed!!
The general consensus is that day trips to Tangier are not worth it. The travel time is long, and Tangier, while it has its charms, is definitely not the best that Morocco has to offer.
In a word NO.
I've spent time in both places. Tangiers has little to offer. Spend the added day on the beach.
Thanks for your responses!
We will scratch Tangiers. Seemed kike too long of a day!
Any special towns in / near Malaga you recommend visiting?
For $75 Roundtrip you can take a 90-minute flight from Malaga to Marrakech— a destination much more worth anyone’s investment of time than Tangiers. Even better if you overnight a day or two.