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Magellans travel store

Does anyone know what happened to it and if there are plans to reopen? Thank you.

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2262 posts

Someone posted on Cruise Critic that they called and were told the company had been sold and would reopen sometime in the spring. Other posts pointed out that most of what they sold is available elsewhere-Amazon, REI, etc.

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4046 posts

Magellans was bought out two years ago by a Denver based luggage company. That arrangement didn't work out and now the former CEO for Magellan's has reopened the store in Santa Barbara under the name CircaTerra. I was there this week and you'd never know that there has been this upheaval--it seemed like Magellan's had never left. Here is the business scoop:

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4749 posts

The store in Santa Monica is closed but threatens to reopen, as part of a chain called I believe Bag and Baggage. I did some google and found out they had been bought.

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16036 posts

It gets confusing....

In 2011, the parent company of Colorado Bag N Baggage, the Gart Company, bought Magellans with the idea of carrying Magellans products in their CBB stores. They did and it was great that one could buy Magellan's products in retail stores outside California.

Last summer, Gart sold CBB to the owners of Only they weren't that interested in Magellans and sold it back to the people who sold it to Gart.

I got this from a manager of a CBB store.