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Mac Laptop in Europe

We will be traveling to London, Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam & Stockholm with our iMac Laptop. I am very confused about the voltage situation. I tried to look on the iMac charger, but the print is light grey against a white background, and I don't see the voltage range anywhere. Has anyone traveled to Europe with their Mac, and if so, did you need a converter? Thanks!

Posted by
180 posts

Just checked mine... it says voltage 100 - 240 so it's good worldwide. The numbers are right above the UL stamp on the bottom.

Just need a plug adapter.

Posted by
683 posts

How about calling the nearest Mac store? In any case, most, if not all Macs, use both currents and usually have a switch for same. We are Mac users but would never go thru the hassle of bringing along a laptop- but we dont HAVE to. Peripherals may NOT be dual

Posted by
9 posts

Yes, true - calling the Mac store would be wise. And believe me, I wouldn't schlep if my husband wasn't running his own business - he can't take a day off, let along 2 weeks!!! Thanks!

Posted by
1455 posts

Mindy, You just need an adapter. If you forget your adapter, London and Paris has plenty of Apple authroized stores you can pick up the Euro adapter.
I found the Apple adapter in Heathrow as well.

Posted by
95 posts

We used my brother's Mac in May while in Europe and had not problems with the voltage and his charger. I'm not a computer geek but I think a lot of the newer chargers fall within the acceptable range. Just make sure you have the plug adapter as noted.

The only problem we had with his Mac was an occastional problem getting on to wireless access. For some reason the few wireless networks we tried we couldn't get his Mac to work, though other PC's were working. Maybe just coincidence.

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9084 posts

Too bad he can't take off from work so to speak. Has he considered an iPhone or Blackberry. Much easier to tote.

Posted by
9 posts

Thanks everyone for your responses.
Yes, it is a shame he needs to work - but of course, that's how we are paying for this trip!!! And he does have an iPhone, but uses the iMac for so much more, really.

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3 posts

I just returned from a month in the Czech Republic and Poland. I was able to use my MacBook with just a plug adapter and did not need a converter.