I am looking for a small bag with wheels to fit on top of my 22 inch piece
of luggage. I want to take it on the plane instead of a purse but don't want to carry it as I walk through the airport to get the train. Not interested in a backpack. Any suggestions? Thanks! Debi
This doesn't have wheels, but I use it sometimes in combination with my 22" rollerbag and it's great. It fits right on top and hooks over the extended handle and doesn't slip off the side, if attached properly. http://travelstore.ricksteves.com/catalog/index.cfm?fuseaction=product&theParentId=8&id=217 If you must have wheels, try looking for a rolling laptop bag, but I've found that the interior configuration of those bags, which are meant primarily for business use, aren't well suited to my need when I travel for pleasure.
I agree with Rose's suggestion regarding wheeled business luggage. I have one I use sometimes as my only bag and sometimes as my extra bag. What's nice about this type of bag is it usually has a shoulder strap as well.
Thanks for you suggestions. I really want the to roll as I walk through the airport though. Small android, kindle, camera, and guide book get heavy!
Then maybe one of these 'wheeled totes' would suit: https://www.google.com/search?q=wheeled+tote&client=safari&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=i6G2Ubm9Coa0igKi7YCgDg&ved=0CFsQsAQ&biw=320&bih=504 Sorry, not possible to make this a clickable link. Please copy/paste to your browser. If it doesn't work, search Google Images for the phrase 'wheeled tote'. Some nice looking bags there!
Enter wheeled briefcase into a search engine and you should see some possibilities. I a wheeled briefcase that had a sleeve on the back so I could have put it over the handle of my carryon, although I never used it that way. It would have been a heavy combination to tow around, and I was surprised how much more difficult it was to tow my luggage with even a lighter bag over the handle. I no longer have this briefcase (held up fine, but got to looking a little shabby for business trips), so I can't tell you the brand. It worked fine as a briefcase, and my only bag for a short business trip or a weekend away. I'm not sure, given it's size, that it would be allowed on a plane as a 'personal item', if you were also bringing a carryon. When I took it on planes, it was my only "luggage". You could check the airline website; they usually have guidance about what they consider a personal item.
I want to be sure I understand your question - your 22" bag has wheels, and you want a smaller bag with wheels also, able to stack upon your 22" bag? OR, are you looking for a smaller bag without wheels that will stack upon your 22" wheeled bag? Do you plan on using them separately, hence the requirement that both have wheels? (Otherwise, your smaller bag wouldn't need wheels if you stack it upon your 22" bag...)
Yes, my small suitcase has wheels. I want something small with wheels instead
of a handbag to carry my android, kindle, camera, guide book etc., to take on the plane and put under my seat. My handbag/tote is really heavy! Thanks!
Here's the problem, IMO, with getting a wheeled tote - it might be handy in the airport (a small portion of your trip), but the rest of the time it will be a PITA. Why? Because it will be much heavier and more cumbersome than a non-wheeled bag. You will need to carry both bags up & down stairs, etc. It won't fit easily over the handle of your bigger wheeled bag. In case you're wondering how I would know, I've been there and done that. One trip. Never again. If you don't want a tote that will fit over your handle, a messenger bag would work well. I assume by your question that you plan to check your main bag. Is that correct?
Like Andrea, been there, done that. It's hard to get all your wheels moving in the same direction with two sets of wheels. Never again. I bought a nice Eagle Creek bag that sounds like your description but it is too
cumbersome to use it and another bag with wheels.
Look at LLBean webside- there is a 16 inch under the seat tote with wheels which can be put on top of a larger bag. It may be too big for your needs though. I often use it as my main bag going to Europe....
Lug has a couple of wheeled bags. Search online or look for some where you live A Friend took one to Mexico, it worked well for her.