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Luggage on flights within Europe

My daughter is spending two weeks at a piano festival in Spain, then flying to Germany for a year. How can we get a year's worth of belongings to Germany without paying the exorbitant extra luggage fees on intra-Europe flights?

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9369 posts

Ship the bulk of her stuff from home to Germany. She can no doubt get by with a carryon-size bag for the two weeks in Spain. If she will be attending a school in Germany, they should be able to give you information about where to ship her belongings to. I spent six months in Austria years ago as a college student, and I managed for that time period with a standard sized suitcase and a large backpack. Shipping ahead will give her less to have to take care of while en route.

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9 posts

S. at Academic Chic recently returned from a year studying in Germany. She took her year's worth of clothing in just two large suitcases and one carry-on:

I agree with the advice on shipping the majority of gear directly to Germany, and living out of a smaller bag for the trip to Spain.

Good luck!

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1078 posts

Both DD's spent a year teaching English in French secondary schools after graduation and did it with a back pack and the larger roller board. Yes, by the middle of the year they were sick and tired of wearing the same things, however, did learn how to mix, match, and use scarves, and the oldest just left all her clothes at the end of the year. Black and denim were the "primary colors" they worked with. It can be done.