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Luggage Locator

Someone gave me a luggage locator as a gift - it's an electronic receiver like a thick luggage tag that you put on your checked luggage. When you're trying to locate your bag on the carousel you hit a button on the remote and the receiver beeps and flashes. (Exactly what I have to do to find my car in the WalMart parking lot). I'm looking at this thing and it just seems like it's going to be a red flag to TSA and might end up causing more hassles than it's worth. Has anyone used one of these, recently? Did it cause any security issues?

I have black luggage and I'm tired of the scarf/duct tape routine. A better gift might have been a new set of kiwi green luggage.

This might fall into our Travel Goods Specialist's area of expertise. Frank II??

Posted by
1064 posts

That sounds like a good way to get an airport cleared by security.

Posted by
158 posts

the correct answer is, don't check the bag! :)

but if you must, i had a rainbow colored strap that i just buckled around the midsection of mine. made it very easy to pick out.

Posted by
16053 posts

I have absolutely no experience with this type of device nor have I read any TSA problem reports.

Personally, I would never suggest anything like this. I would worry more about what would happen once it's out of your sight.

It emits a sound and I believe a blinking light when you press the button on the controller. If for some reason, that thing starts beeping after you check it, the bomb squad will be called. More than likely, they'll take it outside and blow it up. Goodbye suitcase.

If you're already airborne, it will force an emergency landing, evacuation, and full turn out of emergency equipment.

It might be something as innocent as the controller pressing against the side of your handbag or carry-on bag. But that's all it would take.

If a passenger causes an airliner to make an emergency landing for any reason other than medical, the airlines have been billing the passenger for the added expense.

A recent incident where two drunk sisters got into a fight on board an aircraft forced that aircraft to turn around and land. The sisters got a bill for $85,000. The court ordered them to pay.

My it and get yourself a unique luggage tag that will stand out. As an example, for the times I might have to check a bag, I have a raised luggage tag of my college's sports nickname. I'm sure Steve Spurrier would love to see his "Gamecocks" promoted overseas.

Posted by
2092 posts

Elaine, I too wouldn't feel comfortable using the luggage locator because I think our TSA would get "upset". I do have it on my wish list at Magellans though because I'm trying to figure out how to attach it to my husband's tv remote!

Posted by
375 posts

I try not to check bags, but on the occasions I must, just as in Matthew's post above, I use a luggage strap. Mine is a bright solid color and I wrote my initials in big black marker on it. It has the added advantage of preventing the bag from popping open. Perhaps that doesn't happen often but I don't like to take chances. I remember reading about someone's bag coming open on the bag carousel, and there was all the underwear, toothbrush, etc, strewn out along the belt. Can you imagine everyone seeing a lone toothbrush coming down the belt, and thinking, now there's a light packer?

Posted by
571 posts

I have no idea how TSA would respond, but if I were at the carousel as another passenger and your bag started beeping and blinking, I'd be racing for the exit!

Posted by
23554 posts

I think it is a solution looking for a problem. Do you really have that much problem id your bag on a carousel?? Now, if it would be useful for finding missing luggage, then that is a different ball game but once to the carousel, I don't seen how it would be very helpful.

Posted by
629 posts

Colourful straps on black bags works well for us. This sounds like just another electronic gadget for the travel stores to sell.

Posted by
9369 posts

I'm with the others - it just sounds like a problem waiting to happen. I have red luggage, which seems is almost as common as black these days. I use a rainbow-striped belt on it as well.

Posted by
989 posts

Really, I had thought only of TSA getting nosy and cutting it off. I hadn't thought of any of those other scenarios. Kind of makes me wonder why they even manufacture this thing.

It was a gift from my ex - he's never met an electronic gadget he didn't like.

Darcy had a great idea for repurposing it but I'm going to try to attach it to my cell phone cause I'm always misplacing it.

Posted by
989 posts

Frank - How ever did you know that would be the perfect luggage tag for me!! LOL . I will have that GAMECOCKS luggage tag before my next trip.

Posted by
32324 posts


While a "Luggage Locator" could be useful in some situations, as the others have pointed out it could cause more problems than it solves. Packing along a gadget like that for perhaps one or two uses seems a bit silly.

You might have a look at the Magellan's catalogue, as they have a number of colourful and distinctive "luggage marking" straps and other items. The luggage straps serve two functions, which makes them quite useful - they not only mark your luggage (some can be personalized), but also help to keep it closed should the zippers or latches fail (not sure what type of luggage you use?).

I also like electronic gadgets, but for travel I try to choose things that are not only functional and practical, but ideally have more than one use. That makes them worthwhile to pack all over Europe.


Posted by
780 posts

Just cut off the bottom half of an old T Shirt from under the arms and write your first name on it, or some original thing or have your kids draw on it with markers, then slip it over your suitcase. If it falls off, no biggy. Just make sure it fits snug!

Posted by
95 posts

I like the t-shirt idea! But what I usually do, when I have checked luggage, is put brightly colored duct tape on the handle. I wrap it about 4-5" wide, and, not only does it make it easy to see, but it cushions the handle a little. I have friends who go further, and make large x's or stripes on their bags, but the handle thing works just fine for me!!

Posted by
629 posts

Elaine, you wrote that your EX gifted this to you? Makes you wonder.....

Posted by
989 posts

ha ha Bob - I see where you are going? But really, he's my BFF now!!!

We have two kids - you get over things and work it out for the kids.

Posted by
1068 posts

I like gadgets, but this thing doesn't sound like something I would want. Instead, I have some of Rick's green luggage with his red luggage tags. I then went to a local Recreational Equipment store and bought a bright green camping strap (1 inch wide, 60 inches long) for (I think) 2$. It is pretty hard for me to miss my bag now!!!!