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Lufthansa Website

Booked a reservation on Lufthansa and a word of caution. Their website is not secure. My credit card number was stolen from their website and charges were made within 15 minutes from when I confirmed the reservation. My fraud alert company and credit card company caught it right away.

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989 posts

Interesting - never had a problem there. Did you inform Lufthansa?

Posted by
63 posts

Yes, I alerted them, but they didn't seem too interested. In fact, they only told me to contact my bank which of course all of that had already been done. When I tried to explain to the woman again that the breach is in their system and I wanted to alert the appropriate department, she hung up on me. Not impressed with Lufthansa! In fact, I'm somewhat angry.

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355 posts

Maybe their website is not secure. Or maybe the internet connection you were using is not secure. Or maybe your card number got stolen earlier when you used it elsewhere but the thief just happened to start using it at that time.

Posted by
884 posts

Interesting. Just curious as to how you know it was stolen from their website. They have the "s" at the end of "http" and the little padlock, so their website is as secure as any other site. Were you informed that they were the culprit or is the timing of it all making you assume that. A word of caution, your card number could have been stolen a year ago and just being used now. That is not so uncommon.

Posted by
990 posts

The other posters are correct; there is no way to know that the breach of security was with Lufthansa and a lot of reasons to suspect that it was not. They are using standard security on their website, which is more than you can say for restaurants, brick and mortar stores, etc. where credit cards get used. The only way you could be reasonably confident in tracing a security breach is if it's a brand new card and only used once. Even then you can't be sure, since cards can be 'cloned' without having them in one's possession. I get that you are angry with Lufthansa, but the point is that you are accusing them of having a website that is "not secure" with no evidence to back up your allegations. (And doing so on a travel forum where your allegation could cause them loss of business, to boot.) It isn't perhaps surprising that they haven't snapped to it to track down an alleged security breach based solely on this report. Believe me, I am sympathetic to your frustration at being the near-victim of a fraudulent charge. Like most folks with credit cards, I've been on the receiving end of those attempts myself. But it is unreasonable to jump to the conclusion that Lufthansa's site is the source of the problem and irresponsible to post an accusation to a forum with the intent to 'caution' us not to do business with them.

Posted by
63 posts

My bank did the research on the charges, and they were within 15 minutes of booking my flight on Lufthansa and it was a charge out of Germany with a catalog reference number. If it wasn't through their website, it's awfully concidental.

Posted by
989 posts

So what were the charges for and the amounts and who the originator of record?

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9109 posts

I'm gonna side with Sharon....I also have a freaky story about Lufthansa's site. I'm currently in Istanbul, on Monday I took a Luft flight from Munich to IST. On Sunday from my home in NY, I went to Luft's website to print my boarding pass. I went through the steps and gave the site my email address for the boarding pass. Fifteen minutes after receiving said boarding pass, I was flooded with German language spam for Viagra, enhancement, and porn sites. I never ever get spam with this email account, as I only give out the email address to sites I believe can be "trusted" with it. I've had this email account/address for over ten years and never had a spam like this before! I know receiving spam isn't as serious as a stolen credit card number, but I do believe Lufthansa currently has some "issues" with it's site.....FWIW