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Lost rechargeable battery for camera in Paris

We are now out of Paris and can't find a battery to buy. Can we buy those little disposible camera's and develop the film when we get home. We have two more weeks in France and mostly in small towns.

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32324 posts


Although you're going to be "mostly in small towns", you might ask the staff at your Hotel(s) if there's a Camera store nearby. I've always had good luck using that approach.

If the Hotel provides an Internet terminal, you could also try and locate Camera stores using that.

Disposable Cameras will certainly work as a "last resort".

Good luck!

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5678 posts

I feel your pain! I've been thinking of getting a little point and shoot digital for my next trip as a backup for my DSLR. The big camera always has a spare battery. Your experience tells me I should carry a second battery for the backup! ; ) I hope you can find a camera store. I had my camera break when I was in Edinburgh several years ago and my hotel was able to steer me to a camera repair shop that was able to help me.

Good luck.


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72 posts

Depending on how long you are there, you could also have the hotel help you with the French version of, buy the camera online, and get overnight shipping to the hotel.

Posted by
172 posts

You can also try an FNAC Store. Your hotel will be able to tell you if there is one in the vicinity. They are a huge electronics outlet in France and Italy (and maybe elsewhere). I have used them on several occasions for video camera tapes, extra memory cards and charger for I-Pod. Good luck!