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Looks like a hot summer!

I was looking at the weather for early to mid June, and the temperatures are way above average. The only problem is that there looks like to be tons of thunderstorms. Is this normal for June, what about rain. I saw a few days of rain from 10-60 percent. Does this look like a nice summer?? I am going to be in Northern Europe from mid June-early July.

Posted by
32417 posts

Brendon, I wouldn't worry too much about the weather. If you pack accordingly, it won't be a problem either way. Plan your touring so that you can substitute indoor activities if the weather is inclement. As Rick often says, "there's no bad weather, just inappropriate clothing". Happy travels!

Posted by
12040 posts

From what source a you getting that forecast? All of the usual sources I use are predicting daily highs in my area from 17 to 25 º C over the next 10 days. That's about typical for this time of year, and I live in one of the warmest parts of Germany. I doubt it will be significantly warmer anywhere else north of the Alps.

Posted by
209 posts

It will be very hot. How do I know? Because every time I go to the UK or Northern Europe people tell me it's the hottest summer since whatever the year I was last in Europe. As I only get to go about every ten years, you can image that those were indeed hot summers. I'm going this year. Be warned. More seriously, it isn't a problem. There are usually thunder showers in the afternoon just like much of the mountain and high dessert areas of the U.S.. They don't last long and they will feel good after the heat. Dress for heat. Bring a light weight rain gear in you day pack. A day of drizzly weather is even simpler because you just dress for it.

Posted by
1068 posts

Be warned that whatever the weather, there is (very in general) less air conditioning than in America, where we tend to air-chill every building to the point where you could store fish. And take an umbrella!

Posted by
901 posts

Ah, the weather. Probably the only part of your trip you really cannot control. Check the weather forecast maybe a couple of days before you leave and pack accordingly. Bring an umbrella regardless of what the forecast is. Having the right gear is key. Maybe take your coffee/beer/wine breaks and museum visits during the rainy times (if you can figure out when that will be). If they are calling for thunderstorms, can't imagine they would last more than 20-30 minutes (at least that's what it's like in DC). If you are going to Europe for the summer, then yes, I consider that a "nice summer". Have fun!

Posted by
1170 posts

We started getting a tan in Gent And it continued for six days in Normandie! Just got back Tuesday night and I'm sunned out. Copenhagen and Amsterdam were overcast and rainy, except
For one day each. Hard to predict weather. I'd rather travel in winter. It was so hot on trains I thought I'd melt.

Posted by
6873 posts

We got some very intense thunderstorms across Slovenia and Croatia the past two weeks. In most places it was not a big deal, but a few days were completely washed out, and our packs got soaked once as we had to slog across Split to catch a ferry. Took about 2 days to dry out all our stuff. I learned that you can use a (hair) blow dryer to dry clothes, even wet sneakers. Be sure you have good rain gear to keep both yourself and your bag dry.

Posted by
1170 posts

We had to a hairdryer and also my flat iron to dry clothing when we were in Amsterdam. Genius things these flat irons.

Posted by
3050 posts

May was so gorgeously warm most of the time that I was actually hoping for a hot summer too...but we're just a few days in and June so far reminds me of June last year - chilly, cloudy, and rainy. Hope that trend changes soon.

Posted by
1717 posts

Hello Brendon,
You said you will be in Northern Europe. What countries in Northern Europe ? I wish I could be at Norway and Sweden in the Summer months, every Summer. :-)

Posted by
4637 posts

Actually this June right now looks and supposed to look more like Junuary not only here in our Northwest but also in central and northern Europe. So you will feel like in Auburn.