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Looking for a comprehensive map of Rome

In Paris, I use a Paris par Arrondissement. For London, a small A-Z. Is there something similar to those for Rome? I need a map that shows all streets, not just the major ones. When I get turned around (as I will), I don't want to have to walk an extra 6 blocks to figure out what direction I'm headed. I'm only interested in the tourist part of Rome. Also, are the streets well marked?

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25 posts

I found "B & B city streets" at Borders. it's waterproof & I think it shows some bus routes. I purchased it several years ago so hopefully it's still in print.

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10344 posts

A good map is important! You've stated you want a map with these features: 1) suitable for walking that 2) shows all the streets and 3) only covers the "tourist areas of Rome." Because you have specific requirements (I'm the same way so I understand!), it may be best for you to wait and buy your map first thing when you get into Rome. You'll find a "newstand" type store that has a good choice of maps and find the best one for you. One thing you can buy here, before you go, is one of those small inexpensive compasses, ahem, Rick sells the perfect one here online). Many walkers find a small compass surprisingly useful for keeping the map "oriented to the terrain" (as they used to say, and probably still do, in the Army). You come out of a building or subway, buildings are cutting off your view, but you whip out your little compass and immediately know which way on the ground corresponds to "up" on your map.

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10344 posts

You also asked: "Are the streets in Rome well marked?" Good question. They actually do have street signs, mounted on poles, at some intersections, usually the ones with lots of cars and motorinos. But on many of the streets, including many you'll probably be walking in, the street sign will be on the side of a building, not mounted on a post. Yes, the side of a bujilding. And it won't look like the metal signs you're used to here. Since you're walking, the different style of (or sometimes lack of) street signs won't be a big problem. It does blindside tourists who are driving in other Italian cities/towns and assume (silly them) that they'll actually be able to read street signs. Maybe a useful thing for you to do is actually visit Rome, right now, and zoom into some intersections to see what the street sign situation is. You can do this using the Street View feature of Google Earth to zoom way in to get a street view of a few Rome intersections.

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33513 posts

Good answers, Kent. Also remember that in many towns and cities in Italy, including Rome, many of the roads are not marked by the route number that they are or even their common name but by an occasional sign somewhere near the corner of the building (sometimes pretty far away) with the name of a distant town reachable by that road, and an arrow ... I've been in Lazio in a small town with "Roma" on 3 of the 4 streets at an intersection. Kent's suggestion of a compass is a good one. That being said, I've never been lost in Rome, either on foot or in a car. Misplaced, and challenged, yes - but never lost. I've missed my stop on Roman buses, though. Rose, are you stopping in London on the way to Rome? If so, Stanfords (Google'em) in Long Acre near Covent Garden will have a good selection of both atlas type, like an A-Z, and fold out maps. Happy travels...

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360 posts

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not planning on a stop in London (or anywhere else). Just home to Rome & home again. The compass idea is really good as I always get turned around especially when exiting undergrounds. I'm used to street signs on buildings like in Paris. Very handy, but I need a map that shows the same street names. Best thing probably is to check a news stand or book store when I get there. I love maps tho & will refer to them when reading my favorite fiction which is mysteries/police procedurals that take place in Europe or Asia. Merry Christmas everyone.