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Long-term Travel

Our family of 3 is planning to travel throughout Europe for 1 year. We will not be in a single country for more than 3 months, so applying for a long-term visa in a single country doesn't appear to be applicable. I understand the 90/180 rule. Is there a way to travel throughout the Schengen region for more than 90 days within a 180 day period without having to leave this region for more than 90 days? Long-term visas seem to only apply to individual countries. Is there some sort of long-term visa available Schengen region wide? If this information helps, we have a business in Canada and will be drawing from the business on a regular basis while traveling.

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337 posts

Is there some sort of long-term visa available Schengen region wide?

No. Article 18 ("Visas for stays exceeding three months shall be national visas issued by one of the contracting Parties in accordance with its national law.") of the Schengen Convention explicitly reserves the right to regulate long term residence to the individual states.

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23557 posts

You need to be very careful in this area. It is my limited understanding -- no experience -- that a long term visa for one Schengen country will cover for travel to the other Schengen. But the rule is very clear -- 90 days out of 180. The chances of getting caught may be low but once caught the penalty is sever.

My only experience with a long term visa was Spain prior to the Euro. The focus of the visa was health insurance and cash in the bank. And every three months the visa had to be "renewed" by checking in with the local police station and having the visa stamped.

And rules could be very different for Canadians -- so you need to be speaking with some consulates. Good luck

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2 posts

Thank you. Unless someone else has any other suggestions looks like the only way to stay longer than 90 days (only interested in legally) in the Schengen region we would need to apply before leaving Canada for extended stay visas in one of the countries we will be in (likely the country of entry), even though we won't be in any particular country for more than a month or two. I'll contact the French Consulate to find out more.

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16053 posts

Here's a little hint....before trying to talk to some bureaucrat in Ottowa, see if any of the Schengen countries has a tourist bureau in BC. They are there to promote tourism to their country. Since you want to be an "extended" tourist, they might have some insight on what you need to do or who you need to talk to.

Then, if you have to speak to someone "official," you can always say "John Doe at your tourist bureau in Vancouver suggested I talk to you." It's more personal and you're not just another caller.

It's amazing how many people going to Europe never use the tourist bureaus until they get to Europe. When I was based in L.A., I'd always go to the local British, French, Swiss and other tourist offices before heading out to those countries. They are full of information. (And since everyone working there is from the country, you can get personal recommendations.)

Way back, the French office in Beverly Hills and the Swiss bureau near LAX occasionally had "samples" of their country's chocolate.