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London to Normandy to Rome - Is my plan doable?

Our time is limited. Is this plan doable?

Nov 6th - Land in London 11:00 am
Nov 6h & 7th - Quick sightseeing in London
Nov 8th - Fly to Paris (Charles de Gaulle) -- Rent car and drive to Bayeux for 2 nights (8th and 9th)
Nov 9th - Tour D-day beaches
Nov 10th - Drive back to Charles de Gaulle - fly to Rome (to meet up with friends and onto cruise)

Our tickets to London are purchased and would be too expensive to change.
We don't have any wiggle room, and my husband really wants to see the American section in Normandy.
After researching different scenarios online - train, cars - trying to avoid going to Paris 1st, this seems to be the
easiest and most cost effective.
*Also, I guess we should rent a car ahead of time. What are the best rental companies in Paris?
Would driving from Charles de Gaulle to Bayeux be difficult if we get a car with GPS?
**I read somewhere to get a compact car with manual transmission due to parking, etc. What additional insurance do you get?

Your thoughts?

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5822 posts

IMO, no, it's not really doable. At least not in an enjoyable way. I see you disregarded the suggestions in a previous thread to just stay in London and fly to Italy.

1 1/2 days ( the first in a jet lagged stupor) to see London on your "first and only" trip? That's really a crying shame. It deserves Soooo much more than that.
Fly to Paris? Why? It's likely no faster ( accounting for time required to get to and from the airports) and certainly more stressful than taking the Eurostar from city center to city center. Or if you're determined to fly, fly into Orly, which us at least on the south side of the city.

All the usual car rentals are available in Paris, including a lot of American brands. There is no best. Check out Autoeurope. They're a well known 3rd party company that will show prices etc from different rental companies. Be sure to check the open hours for your pick up and drop off locations. They may be closed on Sundays and for lunch. Rentals in Europe come with the same liability insurance as in the US, but you need to consider collision damage insurance. You may have this with one of your credit cards, or you may need to add it onto your rental agreement.

Get a manual transmission due to parking?? That makes no sense. Compact cars with manual transmissions are the cheaper option in Europe. A bigger car and/or automatic transmission will just cost more, and they're in shorter supply.

A map is a map is a map, whether it's paper, a GPS, or a download from Google maps. Driving through Paris can still be, if not a nightmare, then at least stressful. Especially if you've never driven in Europe before. Before leaving home, study up on French driving laws and traffic signs. And don't forget to buy an International Drivers Permit for each driver from your local AAA office.

Only one day to see the DDAY beaches. Don't try to do this on your own unless one of you is a military historian. Sign up for a tour like those given by Overlord tours. And you had better pray that that one day isn't pouring down rain.

Flying out of Paris on the same day you drive back from Bayeux. It's a MINIMUM 3 hour drive in ideal conditions (car doesn't get a flat, good weather, no accidents blocking traffic, no construction or other impediments, not getting lost trying to find your drop off point). Unless you start out really early in the morning and have a late afternoon flight, that's taking a risk. Up to you.

As you can tell, this is not a trip I'd undertake given your time constraints. I agree with the posters on your other thread that if you really want to see the Normandy beaches, do it at the end of your cruise when you go back to Paris. And hope for decent weather.

Posted by
16 posts

Ok, What if we get to Paris on the 21st at 2:05pm, then tour Paris on the 21st and 22nd. Would it be feasible to go to Bayeux by train on the afternoon of the 23rd, tour D-day beaches (maybe 1/2 day tour) on the 24th, and get back to London that evening to be ready to fly out on the 25th?

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1345 posts

I think this trip plan is insane. What’s booked and absolutely non-refundable? You’re not going to have time to see anything and you might end up in divorce court. If it must be done this way, then skip the rental car and Normandy at least. I know your husband wants to see it, but buy him a documentary and schedule it for the next trip. If you can change the flight from London to Paris to the Eurostar, that would help.

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5822 posts

Your second option is little better than the first. Re read my paragraph about flying out of Paris on the same day as leaving Bayeux.

If you are that determined to see Normandy, I'd suggest taking the train to Bayeux 3-4 hours after arriving in Paris after your cruise. See the beaches (with a tour) the next day. Then either take the 6:30 or the 8:00 train back to Paris, or stay that night in Bayeux and return to Paris on the 23rd, flying to London on the 24th. Your DH must really love WW II history to pass up Paris.

Posted by
16 posts

Thanks for the constructive advice, CJean. I appreciate your time and patience.