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London & Paris around Easter - which is best during Holy Week?

Hello. My fiance and I are planning our honeymoon and we're going to visit London and Paris. Our wedding is March 24th, we're planning to fly over on the 25th or 26th. We know we want to visit both cities, with some side trips around London (Stonehenge, Bath, etc.). Right now we're planning to go for about two weeks, coming back on the 8th or 9th of April. I realized that April 8th is Easter, and I was curious about which country would be best during Holy Week (mainly regarding closings and possibly crowds). Are the schools in both closed the entire week before Easter or does it start on Good Friday? Do the museums close in either place? We're probably only doing 4 or 5 days in Paris and the rest in London - we don't have any sort of schedule yet, just the general dates so it's easy to switch around when to go to each place. Thanks in advance. I don't know that it matters, but I've been to London twice before (in September and November) but neither of us have been to Paris.

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In Paris, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter is very crowded. I've been there a couple of times during that week. The biggest crowds seemed to be around Notre Dame, but museums had big crowds, also. I think schools are out. London always seems crowded, but I don't have experience being there Easter week.