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London or Venice/Rome?

Searching opinions on whether a week trip to London & surrounding area or a trip to Venice/Rome would be more interesting to our twin 16 yr. old boys. We took them to Paris two years ago, and they loved (most) of it. Their favorites were the Invalides, Eiffel, Arc, attempting to bike around our neighborhood... They weren't too hip on the art museums, and found Versailles just so-so. If we did London we would try to get to Normandy for an overnight since they seem to enjoy military history. I know they'd love Rome, but not sure about Venice, and I don't think they'd enjoy Florence (too much art). Is it easy to find accommodations for a family of four in Venice/Rome?? They'd be old enough I'd trust them in their own room, but we rented an apt. in Paris, and that was great! We'd love to try to do that again on either trip we choose. Thanks for any & all advice!

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23548 posts

....they seem to enjoy military history....... Then there is only one choice - London. London is so deep in military history that you would barely get started in one week. Getting to the beaches is a problem and time consuming from London. A day trip to York with the greatest train museum in the world plus the wall would be of great interest to them. Italy is Versailles all the time especially Florence.

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9092 posts

Another vote for London. If the teens are truly into military history then visit the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms, the Imperial War Museum and the Royal Artillery Museum near Greenwich. You could visit the Old Greenwich Royal Observatory and the National Maritime museum on the same day. I'd also take them to Camden Locks Market, on the London Walks Jack the Ripper Tour, a London Duck Tour, Tower of London, Mummies at the British Museum, rent bikes and ride around Hyde Park, a play at the Old Globe. You can also take them into pubs for lunch. Do they like soccer? Maybe a tour of one of the stadiums? LOADS of stuff for teens and their parents to enjoy in London. Grab a Timeout magazine when you arrive as well. Will have activities/venues listed for things to do. Love Venice but for this trip....London before or after the Olympics.

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11507 posts

Is whole trip only one week? If so I would just visit either Rome or London.
Florence is rarely a hit with kids, especially those not into museums or art. I would choose a really cool daytrip from Rome though,( ok I think it would be cool anyways, what kid doesn't want to see petrified people incinerated thousands of years ago) , POMPEII sounds way more interesting then even Venice( yes Venice , its "pretty", "magical" and "romantic" but I do not know many 16 yr old boys who would care about those things) Sixteen yr olds are fine in a room of their own,, and the advantage is two bathrooms! London has tons to do too, A bike tour ( Fat Tire Bike Tours) , visiting the Tower of London( the Beefeaters tour even amused and interested my 14 yr old son) ,the Natural History Museum( they will like it) , Hampton Court, Windsor Castle, daytrip to see Stonehenge( I thought it was much overrated, but most people love it)

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3428 posts

I can't speak about Italy, as I've yet to convice hubby to take me there....
But London is WONDERFUL. Our kids loved it as teens. There is so much to see and do- no need to go to Normandy- lots of WWII stuff in the UK. If you are interested, send me your email by private message, and I'll send you an article I wrote about donig day trips out of London by train. It doesn't mention WWII stuff, but trust me, there is plenty- Chruchhill's war rooms, air musueums, even the Betchley (sp??) house where the secret coders/decoders worked, and lots of things in Dover, including secret tunnels, etc.

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360 posts

tough choice but with teens I would say London, some good day trips are so easy from London as well
I'd save Italy for a longer trip, like 2 weeks or more

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799 posts

Are they more interested in London or Venice/Rome? I would think that both places offer a lot in terms of military history, and I've never heard of anybody who's not interested in the ruins of anicent Rome. For our family, including our two teenagers, a big factor is the food. We love to eat regional cuisine, and while English food is better, we prefer Italian food. (Though when we visit London, we focus on Indian food, which is great in London, especially compared to where we live.) Another factor is that London is, generally speaking, more expensive than Venice/Rome. Maybe they wouldn't like Venice, but the canals of the city are amazing, and it's a great city for just wandering around in. Get Rick Steves videos of the 3 locations, watch them as a family, see what feedback you get from all family members.

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332 posts

Tally another vote for London and forget Normandy for a one week trip. To Claudia's list of military history sites I would add the RAF Museum in Hendon and mention that the Imperial War Museum is the creme de la creme.

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1986 posts

Stretching it a little; but a number of the Grand houses you can visit from London have old armor and weapons on display. The guides will probably allow your sons to swing a broad sword (well thats what happened to me).

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25 posts

Ha! Love that comment... they liked the palace, it was the entire day around the gardens, Trianon, Hamlet that killed them. (I do have a great photo in the Hall of Mirrors with them both yawning...fabulous blackmail now that they are taking a World History class.) Thank you all for your input. It was pretty much what I had figured, but needed to convince the husband who loves Venice. I think a trip to London and area will be a great 16th bday trip. And yes, we will probably keep Normandy for another time since there is lots around London.

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1717 posts

Go to London. Buy the travel guide book "Rick Steves' LONDON, 2012" (or 2011). Ask the boys to read parts of that book, and they could decide what places in and near London they are interested in going to.