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London and much cash to have on hand...

Will be traveling to London and Paris. Will bring my credit card and bank card to obtain extra cash. But how much money (Euros and GBPounds) would people suggest I have on hand initially. 6 days London...6 days Paris. Is it easy to access bank machines in Paris/London to withraw money???

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884 posts

There are ATM machines available throughout London and Paris. If possible, use one that is attached to a bank during normal business hours just in case something happens and you need immediate assistance and to reduce the chances of possible fraud. As for how much to initially take with you, most folks recommend around 100-200.

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8700 posts

People on this board are roughly divided into two groups: (1) those who wait until they arrive in Europe and hit the closest ATM at the airport and (2) those who like to bring a little local currency with them so they don't have to stop at an airport ATM and can get out of the airport ASAP.

I'm in category #1. I bring $200 US with me for an emergency (like the remote chance that an airport ATM rejects my card or is out of cash). If that were to happen, I would get a small amount of cash from an airport exchange bureau and get more later at a working ATM.

ATMs are everywhere in London and Paris. If possible, use a bank ATM rather than a private ATM. No fees--except what your bank at home might charge you. Read this helpful article by Rick Steves.

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32324 posts


One important point to mention is that your travel funds MUST be in a chequing account with a four-digit PIN. I'd suggest taking a "backup" ATM card, just in case there are problems with your primary card.

I was in France recently and there were "issues" with my primary card, so I was extremely thankful that my backup card worked!

I normally travel with £ / € 50-100 on every trip. That allows me to buy a meal or for Taxi fare until I get sorted in the new location.


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7901 posts

ATMs are everywhere, but when I hit one, I withdraw the max amount (early or mid trip) and rarely let myself get below 100 Euro or the equivalent in Pounds. I just find that I use cash much more and only a credit card for a big hotel bill. Plus, the only time ATM's are rare, is when you really need one, always good to have a little reserve. Toward the end of the trip I will draw that down a bit.

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12313 posts

I carry none until I stop at an ATM on the ground at an airport in Europe. My goal is to spend the lowest possible amount on currency transactions during the trip.

Others aren't comfortable going that route so they pay extra to have a little cash on hand before the trip.