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Logistics in Pisa, Italy

What's the best way to get from the Central Train Station in Pisa to the car rental place at the airport.

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1003 posts

Assuming you'll have luggage, I'd say taxi. It's close, fast, and cheap. Just tell the driver you need to go to the car rental place, not the actual terminal (the car rental offices are all together in one big building).

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44 posts

I was looking at the train schedule for this same question and it appeared to me that the train could take you to the Airport. Am I reading the schedule wrong? I am also interested in this answer.

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2876 posts

There is a direct train line between Pisa's airport and its central train station. There is also a bus - the "LAM Rossa". You can find the relevant info on the airport's website:

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676 posts

The easiest way is probably taxi, tho you'll probably pay at least 25 euros to do it. The taxis gouge you there, I know, lived there 2 years. Take the train from the Central Station to the airport, then you'll have to walk to the shuttle bus (go to the other end of the terminal). Pisa airport is pretty small, but if you have lots of luggage...It is too far to walk to the car rental place with luggage, I think, take the shuttle. Don't be in a hurry, nothing in Italy works fast. Make sure your credit card doesn't say debit on it, cuz I tried that at Hertz and they wouldn't take it. PS They serve great espresso in the little cafe in the airport, if you need a pick me up! Pay first, then get coffee.

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84 posts

We took the public bus and it stopped right outside the train station and dropped us off almost at the entrance to the tower . The tower is in the center of a large sort of park and the lane that leads to the tower is lined with people trying to sell you fake watches, etc. Afterwards, we went across the street and caught the bus back to Pisa. I would not try and take luggage on the bus. Just leave it at luggage keep in the train terminal. Good luck.