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What are some good locks to bring to lock up backpacks in lockers at hostels?

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2092 posts

Katie, I really like the Flexi-Lock that is available on this site. They give the ability of wrapping around something or combining several zipper togs, even ones that aren't dual-way.

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32386 posts


I'd suggest a small but robust Padlock for Hostel Lockers. DO NOT use the cheap TSA Padlocks as they're simply not suitable for that.

The first decision you'll have to make is whether to use a keyed model or combination Lock (I tend to prefer a keyed model). If you do decide on a keylock, be sure to pack an extra key and keep it in your Money Belt. One important feature to look for is "heel & toe locking" (you might want to visit a Locksmith to see appropriate models). Hostel Lockers use a variety of hasp designs, so it's important to use a lock that has a slightly longer shackle (but not too long). I prefer a rekeyable model, but that's not essential.

A few suggestions.....

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5837 posts

And if you still need a lock, you may be able to buy one or more at the hostel.

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32386 posts

"And if you still need a lock, you may be able to buy one or more at the hostel."

Most of the locks that I've seen for sale at Hostels have been small, cheap models and not much (if any) better than a TSA lock. I'd only use them if I had no other option.

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12315 posts

The full size master locks that you use on gym lockers are ideal. I'd get a combination lock so you can't lose the key (but make sure you know the combination before you use it on your trip). The smaller locks with a thinner metal hook (?) that goes through the handle don't work because locker handles can still move enough to open.

Always keep your stuff locked when you aren't physically there to watch it - even though it's a hassle to lock it up and unlock it. I like hostels, especially when traveling alone, but they're notorious for petty theft of articles that were left "just for a second".

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23650 posts

I also engrave the comb on the lock body using an alpha substitution code. That way I can remember the combo years later.